Like Oblivion, Fallout 3 and New Vegas (all amazing games), I completed my first character on each one. Then when I make another character on each game, my experience is more or less the same time round, with only little differences. I know where the best armour in the games are. I know where to go for quests. I know whats coming round the corner when I go into a building. The second time through is alot more boring than if I played it for the first time. Ive got the best armour in all the games, and when I play it again, it seems like this time I get the armour REALLY easily. I seem to level up quicker on other playthroughs
What I want to know is, what will Skyrim do that will make it not turn out like the other games on another playthrough?
Mods help a great deal (obviously, not if you're on a console), but additionally.... my experience, I
don't know where all the best stuff, all the quests, and everything else is in those games. I've never looked them up in guides, and there's so much to explore that you end up missing stuff even if you spend alot of time at it.
Fallout 3, for example - even ignoring the mods I play with, there are still new dungeons I find that I've not been in before - especially the unmarked ones that don't have map markers. I don't know where most of the bobbleheads or unique weapons are. Sure, the more common and easy to find stuff becomes somewhat expected and tedious, but there's alot more out there.
Of course, if you use a guide book, and try to do "100% Completion" on your first character, that does tend to cut down on replay value.

....actually, speaking of New Vegas. Considering the branching Main Quest, the different opposing factions you can align with (with conflicting quests), and other stuff like that - I'd think that would be one you could find more to do in after the first game. Even without mods.