What will the community do to save Crysis 2?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:11 am

I'm referring to how the multiplayer situations are being handled by the community. Being reactive isn't going to help, you need to be proactive and actively populate servers that have admin support, all of which are non-official. Stop using quick match, it's broken. Join match was fixed some time ago, and I was very pleased with that, but please use filters to find matches that suit your desires as well as location for optimal ping. That means get into a non-official server and wait for a little.

A good portion of the complaints I've seen are client-side, meaning things that can be fixed by the user, not the company. They're not supposed to hold your hand when getting your router/modem to work, they're not obligated to choose matches for you in join match, and they're certainly not obligated to come over to your house and fix your computer. That's what IT support is for, not some patch.

They are obligated to improve the product, I believe they wish to work on it and further improve it. A fact of the matter is: no game is ever truly finished when it's pushed into distribution. There's just too much that goes into it. Games have rapidly become far more complicated to build and to design. There are always going to be emergent gameplay behaviors, bugs, glitches, etc., but that can be patched.

What they are doing is providing aftermarket support for the game itself. They don't want their premiere CryEngine 3 title to flop. They don't want the modding community to disappear, and they don't want an unfinished product sitting in people's hard drives.

Take some responsibility and take up picking your matches and solving your problems, because you can't really rely on others to do it for you. You owe it to yourself to filter out official servers, filter for your area, find a properly managed server, and populate it, even if it means sitting in an empty lobby for a few minutes.

What will you do about it to make your Crysis 2 MP gaming experience better?

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:51 am

how would you actively seed a server with admin support?

And i think we both know most people are too lazy to use search or figure out why they cant hit people, not realising 300 ping is actually not very helpfull.
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Jonathan Montero
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:48 pm

I'm referring to how the multiplayer situations are being handled by the community. Being reactive isn't going to help, you need to be proactive and actively seed servers that have admin support. Stop using quick match, it's broken. Join match was fixed some time ago, and I was very pleased with that, but please use filters to find matches that suit your desires as well as location for optimal ping. That means get into a non-official server and wait for a little.

What will you do about it?
Im doing that since day 1,i mean using filters to find matches that i like.I only once tried the join match option and it hooked me up with the Aussie server with ping over 400,and IA that i hate at most of all types of gp.
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Cody Banks
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:11 am

Well, to seed a server means to populate. If you populate, an admin will likely join for some time.

Quick match is broken. People need to know this.
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Susan Elizabeth
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:28 pm

What will the community do to save Crysis 2?
Go play something else? Thats how easy it is.

Oh, by the way. If they dont want an unfinished product sitting in our hard drives... They should not have released an unfinished product then!
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Nathan Barker
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:28 am

What will the community do to save Crysis 2?
Go play something else? Thats how easy it is.

Oh, by the way. If they dont want an unfinished product sitting in our hard drives... They should not have released an unfinished product then!

That's a cop-out, lazy answer.

Who decides release dates? Publishers.

If you only knew how EA runs things and pushes and pushes, you'd probably be singing a different tune. No game, and I mean NO GAME is ever truly finished and perfected by release day. You try working on a game under the pressure of a big-name publisher, really, go ahead.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:00 pm

What will the community do to save Crysis 2?
Go play something else? Thats how easy it is.

Oh, by the way. If they dont want an unfinished product sitting in our hard drives... They should not have released an unfinished product then!

That's a cop-out, lazy answer.

Who decides release dates? Publishers.

If you only knew how EA runs things and pushes and pushes, you'd probably be singing a different tune. No game, and I mean NO GAME is ever truly finished and perfected by release day. You try working on a game under the pressure of a big-name publisher, really, go ahead.

I guess thats why Valve games usually come out pretty bug-free, the only Valve game I played on release was Portal 2, and I had no issues with it what so ever.

Then again, I didn't any major issues with Crysis 2 either, just some poor net code I guess, MP is pretty laggy, even on >100 servers, and the nano-catalyst bug, which was fixed a week or two after release.
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James Rhead
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:32 am

Said by Vaskadar :"A fact of the matter is: no game is ever truly finished when it's pushed into distribution."

I dont agree m8,
Cod 1 - COD MW4 worked fine on realese, so did :
Just cause 2,
NFS Shift 1-2,
Portal 1-2,
Halflife 1-2,
L4D 1-2
And prolly alotta other games i cant remember,
And off course, (almost) all games released by Blizzard,
- see how long they have taken to release Diablo3, but ill guarentee, it will work flawlessly on release.
So i believe its more of a question, of the Developer VS the distributer,
where the latter, will push to get it released before its compleatly finished,
Becoz they want it to be released Before the competition,.. (or somthing like that)
Im not sure but i believe, Valve and Blizzard Distributes theyr own games,..

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Kate Norris
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:54 am

There are always features that got cut, or are missing.

Even Portal 2 was missing a few things
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:14 am

crysis 2 was supposed to be released in q4 2010 bro. Dont start giving me this BS that games dont get delayed to get finished.

If crytek had balls, they would have said no, our game is not done. but guess what, they didnt. so they looked the other way and isntead released an unfinished game and got their money.

ps - that portal 2 'feature' is pretty useless gameplay wise. not everything in alpha versions of games get put into the final product.

The community isnt going to fix anything. This game is dead/dying and there will be a small minority remaining in the coming months. Most of which who want to mod the game (just like how cry1 has their small modding community).
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