» Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:25 am
That's why I introduce the parkour first. Its something pretty unique that can really add to the gameplay. Everything else really seems like frosting when you can revolutionize something as basic as getting from point A to point B.
You could say im exaggerating and that its been done before. The two names that keep coming up are assassins creed and Mirrors edge. AC was fun, but its a different genre, and even though AC2 is going to be multiplayer, its not the same feeling you get playing multiplayer FPS. Mirrors edge also did parkour in an "FPS" game. I found it fun, but it was more of a parkour game with guns added. In fact, I played through it once without using guns, and it was much more fun. Brink on the other hand is an FPS focused solely on shooting with parkour added to augment the shooting sections, rather than the focus.