The player begins as part of a Carnivale troupe, who travels the wastes from town to town. When the troupe stops in the area of [insert setting of new fallout game here] he gets into a bit of trouble, as while juggling his usual assortment of knives and flaming torches, he attracts the attention of a large number of women who have never met a man with such deft hands. He is shortly caught in a provocative situation with several of these women by their respective husbands. These husbands are not best pleased with this, and in the ensuing carnage the whole carnivale is burnt to the ground, while the troupe is butchered and strung up by the angry townsfolk. The Feisty Juggler makes it out alive, purely due to his prowess with his hands, allowing him to block punches and throw anything he can lay hands on.
He flees into the wastes, alone in an area he has never heard of or been to before. With nothing but the clothes on his back, his favourite knife and an old, rusty blue flask he one in a wager the year before, he sets off to begin his adventure.
Well, thats the character name im putting my money on.