You could just buy the game new when the price drops... Then the companies still get something.
As for me..
- Brink
- Uncharted 3
- Mass Effect 3
- Skyrim
- Infamous 2
- Battlefield 3
- Assassins Creed 3
- Rage
- Batman: Arkham City
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- Twisted Metal
- Resistance 3
- Max Payne 3
A lot of threes this year, amirite?
Yup, definitely a lot of 3's, lol.
Ah, I forgot the Batman game, too. Oh, but that's practically a given with my sister--she loves the Batman (while I loves the Spider-Man).
Yeah, sometimes some games can be cheaper later on, but with some games, it takes forever for the price to lower, I end up buying the Used version instead or
go to the flea market, lol.