Brink will be my last game I will be buying NEW (the last new one this year was Little Big Planet 2), which shows how much faith I am putting into it.
I'm anxiously waiting for Mass Effect 3, iNFAMOUS 2, and Uncharted 3. I will wait until they are pre-owned or the prices are lowered.
I am kind of poor and only have one part-time job right now, so I have to get many games Pre-Owned (unfortunately for the game companies).

EDIT: Oh, and Skyrim, I guess?, but after Oblivion, I am really, really wary of it and not really hoping for much on that one. -_- I thought Morrowind was one of the best games I have ever played. Oblivion felt a step down from that for some reason for me.
EDIT: OMG, I TOTALLY forgot Gears of War 3, too! :rock: And Batman: Arkham City, lol!