As far as my character and his way of life, a daedric worshiping dunmer, i have high hopes that we can ever work for the main antagonist unlike most games were we must work against them however he will take my soul and god or not here i come!
Body build: medium part time gym rat

Race: dunmer
Religion: daedric
Adv. Class: summoner spell sword
Armor type: heavy daedric
Weapon type: one handed enchanted
Special abilities werewolf or vamp ect.: None/ daedric powers
Guild: mage, fighters.
Combat role: DPS/Dots
Birth sign: atronach
Crafting skills: (pick 2)alchemy, enchanting
Pvp/pve: pve
Fame/infamy: both
Combat range: (one strong, one okay) mid range spells okay, close range touch spells and melee strong
Console: PC
Theres me let me know what you want to become in ESO
Pc users add my account or steam id and i will see you in game!