I'll stock up on pizzas, energy drinks, chocolate and other unhealthy stuff, prepare my 'DO NOT DISTURB' sign to hang on my door and wish my online friends on skype and AIM goodbye because hey, I won't be seeing you guys for a looooong time. Then I'll spent the rest of the day worshipping my Skyrim poster and flailing in excitement, annoying my parents because they don't understand how important 11.11.11 is and will eventually go to bed and fail to sleep. Then I'll get up early and haunt the mail man. "WHEREZ MAH SKYRIIIIIM?! D<"
That, or I'll be playing Assassin's Creed: Revelations because it also comes out in November.

Work, chores, eating, sleeping, interacting with friends and family, etc.
It's just a game.
Really. :thumbsup:
*legasp* Blasphemy!
