» Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:48 am
The "Bosmer(ugh)" isn't exactly true. Female Bosmers are supposed to be hot. Lore in Morrowind shows how many different races perfer to have "Bosmeri Mistresses" over their own race. Im not sure, but I don't believe they confirmed same-six marriages.
No offence to anyone, but I perfer to not have same-six brought up ever. If they wan't the player to have the option, thats fine. But when, like in Dragon Age: Origins, all party members wan't to romance you, and constantly bring up "I love you", it gets a little agrivating (ex. Zevren as male or Leliana as female). The majority of people in TES were straight so most NPCs should be straight. If they don't want to leave out same-six marriages, put an option either at the start of the game, or during the pause menu.
I doubt I will marry anyone. I perfer to do things on my own in a game.