1. Faint from excitement.
2. Go to store, pre-order game, CE version.
3. Return home, play Arena.
4. After finishing Arena, play Daggerfall.
5. After finishing Daggerfall, re-play Morrowind and both expansions.
6. After re-playing Morrowind and both expansions, re-play Oblivion and SI.
7. After re-playing Oblivion and SI, enough time should have passed to be near release.
3a-7a. Ignore all previews of game, I don't want any spoilers of anything, excluding the initial announcement.
Same, the hardest thing though will be getting used to play Oblivion without mods, 'cus I really don't want to spend days trying to sort out every mod I like to use. And getting used to Morrowind's gameplay as well Arena and Daggerfall.
Crap, this is going to be tougher than I thought. And my goodness, I hope I can avoid spoilers.