When it is Announced I will for one grin like a fool, maybe even cry alittle?
Than go and play some more Morrowind or Oblivion, and hope that all that is HOLY that they BRING Werewolves BACK!!!

I miss turning into one, hell it is why I rebought morrowind GOTY:D (Don't ask what happend to my last copie

Than after that since I plan to start The Infernal City soon (its on my bedside) I will go on these boards and look for info surrounding the game and specially to see if any werewolves will be in and if you can turn into one:) And just see how everything out is coming together, than watch some videos of it, if there is only One video out than watch that about...O.....25 times? More?
Than last but not least, if they make a Collector/Limited Editions than I will go and preorder it right away!!!!