» Fri May 27, 2011 8:48 pm
Depends on how I get it.
If I get it via hard copy, I'll install the game and read the manual while doing so, play when ready, and never return to my real life for a matter of days.
If I get it via Steam, I'll play a marathon of Folk Metal on my computer while waiting for the download to finish, play when ready, and ditto what I said above. Except I'm turning of the Steam community in my game as I don't want to be bothered by some of my more pestering friends who would be like "OMG YOU HAZ SCKYRIMZ, HOW'Z IIT?" right when I'm trying to kill some level 7 troll or something. Not to mention seeing messages pop up in the lower right corner just ruins immersion. And blocks your UI. :brokencomputer: