» Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:03 am
My character is a moral relativist. She's not interested in killing anyone but see no reason to help/like/feel something toward those she doesn't even know. She feels no guilt breaking the law but is happy law exists (because it is in her best interest that other people are bound by it). She feels no need to harm anyone in any way though she is able to do so if a big enough motivation appears (if she has to chose between her life and another by example)
Her priorities are, in this order: Survival (without survival, nothing else can be done), Freedom (her own, she believe it's everyone task to fight for its own freedom), her friend's care (in third place, but still important. She has feeling and no reason to ignore them)
She's vain but not shallow and don't see it as a problem since she thinks there is no point in life, you can just enjoy it.
That and some other things I won't detail here makes her a Chaotic neutral character.
@ SinnerAthin: I suppose it depends what he can do to help is own race. If he can destroy every other races by example, I would make him a lawful evil.