I would probably roll Chaotic Good, it just fits Dovakiin.
How about you?
I chose "Other" on the poll. My alignment is "Truth".
I do not believe that the alignment chart is an accurate system. Excluding the three "Evil" brackets, I fit the criteria for all alignments, which shouldnt be possible according to the Alignment's rules, lol. Good is not determined by compulsive holiness, nor is lawfullness determined by mindless adherence (you can reject "false" laws, and still be lawful in character). Also, Evil is simply the rejection of truth in favor of self gratification; this can take the form of rejecting another's existence by murder. Good should be defined as the "mindful" acceptance of Truth, favoring the gratification of relationship. Law is easily corrupted by evil through the manipulation of words and their definitions. When this truth is lost, good is no longer strong enough to survive. There is no good without truth; even evil men seek out truth before warping it in their favor, effectively abasing themselves in the "pleasure of good", stolen from others.
Law and Chaos, Good and Evil. Neutrality. These ideas try to convey an illusion that each is equal to the other and form a balance. I see it as a trap, so I will have no part in it.