I will play the game vanilla as pseudo-Legolas archer. I'm not sure on the race just yet because I don't like Bosmer. But maybe they will really give them a better look this time around and some more uniqueness. If they don't I might make a High Elf archer because I like the way they look.
Although since this is Nord country I might try them out for once

I'm really excited about the racial differences they will be focusing on this time. Since I don't know how that will pan out I can't decide my race, but I will be an archer

THEN, as has been my tradition in most games I play, I will play through vanilla once (or maybe twice if vanilla is really great) and then do my inevidable modding. I mod all my games even if they don't officially support it, and this being Bethesda the modding will be great. It's nothing personal against Bethesda's view of game mechanics in any way, it is just that I personally have the creator spirit (I actually have a game that I am making myself as a hobby).
My first thoughts of modding will be a puzzle mod. But before I really try to flesh that out I might just make game play tweaks by messing around with damage values. I have a pretty specific taste as to how magic is employed in fantasy games so I already know I will be messing with that pretty significantly. Depending on how (totally awesome) the new combat is (which I love and support :celebration: ), I might even try to make it more realistic if there is room for it (as I did with Oblivion).
After all of that is said and done I will finally play the game as I truly want to play it: hardcoe mode. I will make a character with my mods and play the game with the character deletion upon death rule in place. That is how I play my favorite games (and it might strike you to know I am playing a modded Diablo 2 right now in hardcoe mode!)
I wonder if anyone actually reads these posts of mine heh :unsure: