Wall of iron, the immovable object, a shield, useless rock. All of those are good titles for me

I go for massive defense, shield, alteration magic, heavy armor, restoration magic, covered head to toe in defensive enchants and trinkets, always ready at the block button, and if I can still have a weapon I take a mace for knocking my enemies off balance and if I allow myself conjuration I summon the fattest most resilient creatures rather than those that do the most damage.
The race or gender does not matter, last time I was a female Breton and in Skyrim I will be a male nord.
So basically I do little if any damage, can take hits like crazy and always seek to improve my defense further, heck my character goes to sleep only after throwing a shield spell and s/he sleeps with armor on. You could call it a little paranoid if you will, but that′s how my main characters are like.