The best idea i got so far is to buy a house in one of the towns, empty it of anything and then fill it up with the eggs. Then later when i find more just throw those in as well and see how much it takes to fill up the house with Chaurus Eggs
Too bad you can't vomit in the game... If you could I'd tell you to eat them all in one sitting and puke all over the Radiant Raiment shop in Solitude.
Lol I had this problem just earlier today. Made a bunch of invisibilty potions that will take months to sell them to merchants with how little gold they have.
See just how much space it will fill - will it fill the pools around the entrance to Dragonsreach? Do they havoc with each other (as in do they stack) or do they just pass through each other? I like the prior idea of blowing them off the Throat of the World too. That would be an awesome waterfall.
theres a falmer cave under a lighthouse up north that is FUULLLLL of chaurus eggs...theyre just everywhere. i got like 200 of them my first visit Frostflow lighthouse i think its called
theres a falmer cave under a lighthouse up north that is FUULLLLL of chaurus eggs...theyre just everywhere. i got like 200 of them my first visit Frostflow lighthouse i think its called
Thanks just went to the College for the first time last night.