I should add that, in the context of the game and while using your imagination, there's nothing wrong with stepping into the role of a genocidal bad guy. It's fun to be bad while you're playing pretend. Nazis are pretty cool when they play a role in movies and video games, for example; sometimes you can even play one as the main character (or an entire side in a RTS). It can be enjoyable and mentally healthy to explore your own dark side, something every person has.
When having a discussion about the true moral nature of these fictional organizations, however, you must separate fact from fiction. There's no excusing genocide in a real-world sense, even if it's just a hypothetical scenario (fictional world, fictional characters, fictional victims).
*flame removed. Do not do that. :nono:*I still stand by the Enclaves side real life or not.
If I were an abomination, a ghoul, or a mutated wastelander, I wouldn't live with myself. Knowing that I am a walking abomination is only incentive to the eventual happening of self-disposal. The only regret I think I have with the Enclave is not letting the wastelanders and mutants shoot themselves. It takes away the bloodshed and provides a more settling finish to a very real problem.
If I had to choose between having humans mutate into three armed monstrosities with warts and cancerous growths all around their bodies just so we can cope with the bad genes and good ones. The no.
I would rather watch the mass genocide of a million irradiated puppies , in this case, mutants, before I see my future with them. I would never allow humanity that fate. We were evolved into our form and we will not corrupt it so that one man out of the few who TRULY believe what you say, can end us. Three legged , one eyed, irradiated wart, blister faced , mutants are not tolerable.
And even the natural wastelander with a bit of FEV, airborne, and so much as harmless in its current state, will have reprocussions.
Nazism and Enclavism is very different.
1. Mass extermination of a different religious culture for political gain
2. Mass extermniation of mutants for the continued survival of the REAL humanity.
I think I take pick two.
Either a bullet to the head or a your officer has had enough said.
The future of a generation is worth more than the present, for our childrens children would suffer for a simple mindset of empathy during a time when nuclear fallout can corrupt anything in its path. Permitting a mutant to mate with a pure human would simply mean having our children suffer the fate of degeneracy. We would evolve into a state of constant warring and savagrey , our minds degenerating with the mutations permeating inside of us, rotting our insides, changing us gentically. The mutations are playing god on our body.
That the simple fact to allow a mutant to live is a crime against the ensured survival of true humanity is a crime enough.
Say what you will. My honest to god opinion has been shared.