What's with all the tears?!

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:06 am

What’s with all the tears?

Maybe I am suddenly completely detached from reality – or you would think so if you read any of these forums – but what I have played is so far an amazing game in most ways, certainly not worthy of the tears I am reading here. In fact I feel that some of these teary posts are actually killing brain cells.

Firstly, graphically the game looks amazing. Sure, it might not have some of the lush open terrain of Crysis 1, but it is beautiful in its own right. The city looks superb, particularly the areas set in amongst the CBD buildings themselves. There is variety, fantastic lighting, models, animations, overall production values are top notch. I set it to extreme and started playing. Yes I prefer to see individual graphical options and definitely do not support the lack of them going forward, but it also hasn’t killed my gaming experience.

I have not yet finished the campaign, but so far the action has been terrific. The game feels great to play on PC, not remotely like a console port. It’s tight, responsive, the suit allows for plenty of different gmaeplay styles. I really have no complaints. Most importantly (to me) – the weapons feel really damned good to use. They don’t feel light or not impacting, they feel very very good.

Multiplayer has likewise been a treat. It was working perfectly the night before last and part of yesterday before many servers then refused to launch. Perhaps this is caused by huge server load on release, who knows. It will get fixed, again, I can deal with it, I’ll just go back and finish the campaign. I am not a fan of the console style party join system, but ultimately, when I get into a server and start playing, it is quickly forgotten. Early testing of joining as a party with a friend also worked fine. I particularly liked that when I left the server player list screen, he too was removed.

Anyway I just do not see how this game justifies all the crybaby posts infesting this forum. I am certain I am not alone in this regard. I for one am really impressed with this very worthy sequel.
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Becky Cox
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:40 am

Haha, I know, it's odd isn't it?
I think that its a mixture of pissed of PC fanatics and CoD/Halo fanboys that don't know what the f--- they're talking about, I've played through the game twice and found myself very happy with it. The only thing I've had a problem with so far is a few gliches in the MP, but otherwise this game really has been a treat and has some of the most unforgetable moments in any single player story I've ever played.
It's kind of like every other game that has a big following on a forum of its own, people just need something to cry and "rage" about, don't worry, the majority of gamers outside of this forum loved this game, like me and you.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:30 am

Haters will hate :/

Some people just want to hate you know. They shouldn't even be on these forums, they aren't fans or supporters....just trolls and flamers.

The game is excellent on PC. Not a port in any way, and actually, porting is impossible on CryEngine 3 lol.

I love this game and the multiplayer is great. Unfortunately, I don't see much life in multiplayer, BUT, I definately will spend more than 20 hours on it ;) I'm pretty sure of it, unlike my 15 minutes in Crysis multiplayer and 1 hour in Wars lol.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:53 pm

Why am I frustrated? Because I can't even log in.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:09 am

Haters will hate :/

Some people just want to hate you know. They shouldn't even be on these forums, they aren't fans or supporters....just trolls and flamers.

The game is excellent on PC. Not a port in any way, and actually, porting is impossible on CryEngine 3 lol.

I love this game and the multiplayer is great. Unfortunately, I don't see much life in multiplayer, BUT, I definately will spend more than 20 hours on it ;) I'm pretty sure of it, unlike my 15 minutes in Crysis multiplayer and 1 hour in Wars lol.

this IS a ported XBOX game... go to controls/controllers and tell me what you see .... and xbox controller only config.. you cannot use ANY pc game controller for this game.. its a DIRECT port
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:56 am

You are just satisfied with what you have because you don't see where this is all leading to in the long run. Another great PC exclusive bite the dust. Soon all big PC titles will have been consolized. It's just sad and this is coming from someone who is mostly a console gamer.
I can see though how dumbed down most games got over the years and it's just sad. It's not the fault of the console technology and its limitations though most of the time but of the view most developers have of the console crowd. They think their audience is too dumb to grasp anything complex and continue to dumb down games more and more every year.
I'm intelligent and I want complex games on any platform. It is possible but that potential is not utilized much anymore. Gone are the days of making non-linear levels like in Deus Ex or Crysis 1. Crysis 2 still has them but not as rich. Gone are the days of multiplayer games like Counter-Strike, in which you have to fight with what you can buy each round or the games of massive scale like the old Battlefields. Gone are military simulations like Ghost Recon/Rainbow Six and Operation Flashpoint (at least Arma 2 is still strong). Gone are the days of pure fun arcade racing like in Need for Speed 3 with cool proprietary techno/rock music. I could go on and on and on.
Today it is enough to make an on-the-rails corridor shooter like Call of Duty (which is fun every once-in-a-while) and people buy it like crazy. Very sad indeed.
Gems like for example ArmA or "Mount & Blade" get lost in this mainstream **** (sry for the cursing).
People are blind these days and like every piece of trash they find. Not saying Crysis 2 is trash. No I really liked Crysis 2's SP, the MP is alright but a Call of Duty clone, not many additons. They should have improved PowerStruggle and kept that as MP.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:52 am

I'm sorry, but the whole console vs pc arguement is redundant. Console's arent going anywhere, they're here to stay, and if anything, they're only going to become more prominent. I play console games from time to time, but I am largely a PC gamer, and have been for as long as I can remember.

Crysis was developed across multiple platforms, and yes there may be elements of each system in each version (ie pc dedicated servers joining via party, the controller thing as someone mentioned), but it did NOT impact on my experience in one way shape or form. The ultimate result was, the game has been amazing.

I am one of the first to complain when a PC game is legitimately consolised. When it affects the gameplay, when it FEELS ingame like a console port, or it has console interfaces which feel ridiculously cumbersome on a PC, the yeah, i'll complain.

My point is, Crysis 2 does not inheritantly suffer from any of these. Just because there are elements that are shared with a console, does not automatically make it an OMGACRAPCONSOLEPORT.

I get the impression some people arent actually sure what they're complaing about, blindly spitting fire about console ports, or DX11 missing and the like.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:18 am

You can call this game what you want, its still the best looking shooter available at the moment, even though the DX11 is not yet available, console port or not its still 10x better optimised than the PC only original Crysis game, console port or not the single player campaign is still damn fun to play.

Multiplayer doesn't work? Well that happens, the game isnt even officially released worldwide yet. Every game has issues, especially with multiplayer on release. Anybody who played Test Drive Unlimited 2 on release will have seen how the game didnt properly work for weeks and still has issues, Battlefield Bad Company 2 didnt work for weeks properly online.

Give it time, they didnt intentionally sell you a game with bugs or issues, it is just something that every game release has.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:31 pm

I am one of the first to complain when a PC game is legitimately consolised. When it affects the gameplay, when it FEELS ingame like a console port, or it has console interfaces which feel ridiculously cumbersome on a PC, the yeah, i'll complain.

Extreme, advanced, gamer, V-sync, resolution.
You missed those, didn't you?
Name ONE non-ported game that came out after 2000 that doesn't have more advanced options.
That'd be, what, Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing?
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:29 am

Typically, most hardcoe PC games want the power to do certain things such as the ability to customized their setting. Isn't that what a PC is all about? Customization? In fact, even Bulletstorm, a console port, had some options such as ability to set AA and all that. I want those features too. In fact, even setting AA straight from the Nvidia control panel don't seem to work at all. Limitation is not acceptable.

Some have the PC superiority complex and dislike the idea of a supposedly good PC game for multi-platformed. I also don't like it especially when it's a sequel to one of the best good looking game. I do own an Xbox 360 but I don't usually buy first person shooter for console. When dead space 2 came out, I went the console route and didn't buy the PC version cause I feel some games really feel better on a console.

In addition, by removing the option and even just the DX11 is enough to set some of the gamers off because they don't want to be generalized with console players. Imagine if you have a game that is PC oriented and ported over to consoles but retained PC style of control. How would those gamer feel? Both are exactly the same. Each individual platform simply must have their unique features in order to feel happy.

Graphically, Crysis 2 looks great but still not good enough. That is plus one reason for more complains because all three platform looked alike. Yet again, back to the initial point, no uniqueness. And Crysis 2 didn't have certain graphics like volumetric smoke. Physics action like shacks that can be blown apart, crumbling metal sheets. If you can blow apart one of those mini houses or guardhouses you see in Crysis 2, then my physics action point of argument is null. But even the water in Crysis 2 looked rather flat from above. There's no life to it and the waves were I would call them hard-edged. Heck, even when I looked at Bulletstorm, the water looks much better. And in Crysis 1, those things were there.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:13 am

Having played a bit of multiplayer last night, I'm quite happy with it. It worked fine, and aside from it forgetting my multiplayer key a couple of times, I've had no troubles whatsoever. I can understand some frustrations on the part of players who can't even login, but the amount of abuse going round on these boards isn't called for.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:21 pm

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:51 pm

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