I believe the problem is MOST buildings in the wasteland you can't enter. FO3 also had tons of
buildings you could enter, and most were very detailed.
Once again....this game was rushed.
I think compared to FO3 the fact that the buildings are just boarded up in NV feels like a cop out, even though FO3 did a similar thing in DC with the buildings, it felt more plausible because of the rubble.
not only buildings though, there are ant hills and mole rat burrows you think you could get into, but no its just a placeholder.
I wouldn't have minded if they gave all the blocked up buildings a cell that was like 'building cell 1' out of 5 designs. Bethesda reused dungeon maps in random caverns and dungeons, and even though it was a bit samey, it made the exploring feel less limiting.
Instead of, "Naw you don't wanna go into the boarded up building its boooring".