What's with the armor layer system? (and solar powered)

Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 4:46 pm

How does this work exactly? I was looking forward to miss matching any and all pieces of armor I could think of together and looking like a true survivor of the wastes, but it seems like every suit other than the vault suit cannot support harnesses or leather and metal pieces on it's arms and legs and such which really bums me out, mainly because the vault suit doesn't go very well with the rest of the pieces of armor you can find, since the parts of leather and metal you find are dirty and grimy while the vault suit is a bright blue and yellow. And it svcks because they actually have some of the coolest looking armors in the Fallout series to date, like the drifter outfit in particular, but it is not very efficient to utilize it over the vault suit because not only do you gain the vault suit's basic resistances, but you also gain the resistances from the pieces of armor you can stack on top of it. So does anyone know if I'm doing it wrong, or if they are going to add them later, or if they are not going to include them because the time to make all of those meshes and models will take to long? Because if it is just the vault suit I kind of feel very misinformed. That's like saying "in Morrowind, you can match armor's together, BUT ONLY IF YOUR WEARING A TAN COMMON SHIRT." That would be pretty lame in my opinion, and probably many other people's opinions too.

Also, as a side note, what's up with the solar powered perk? You need 10 endurance to get it, but half of it's bonus is giving you an extra 2 endurance. Can you benefit from having more than 10 endurance, or no? Because if not, it seems like a pretty stupid and noticeable oversight by Bethesda.

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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 1:53 am

There's a leather outfit that you can add parts to.

Taking a bit of a break right now so can't tell you the name but I got it in the first city.


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carley moss
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 7:17 pm

eh, it's something. Still, that armor isn't nearly as cool as some of the ones i've found and it's probably only one of many potential canidates. Not to mention they probably have like tens of armors in the game.

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Daniel Brown
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 4:01 pm

Pretty sure next year with the release of the CK many will end up being unlocked. I am loving this layer system as in Morrowind you could have your armor completly built piecemeal, then in Oblivion it got less, then in Fallout 3 onward you got basically bodysuit onesies for armor so this is certainly a step back in the right direction.

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Amy Cooper
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 5:25 pm

I've been using the leather raider armor pieces over my vault suit. even modified them a bit. It's pretty sweet. http://imgur.com/ZxDCZQb

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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 5:48 pm

I like it, I can keep wearing my jumpsuit without being really weak. Showing my vault dweller pride!

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 11:20 pm

Yeah, I'm not denying that it's a really good addition, but just like in the original post, the vault suit really doesn't go good with the scraps you put on, their just too bright and stand out too much. I want an undersuit that is actually very unnoticable for the most part, while still showing something of it's own.

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Shae Munro
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 4:11 pm

I found its just an few outfits you can add layered armor on top of. Mostly thigh ones: the vault suit, some leather outfits, long underwear and some skimpy outfit.

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Tha King o Geekz
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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 2:41 am

There are clothing pieces(like the vault jumpsuit) that act as a base layer then armor pieces that go over top of them.

Basically anything heavier than light clothing is counted as a full armor set.
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