True, but they certainly never wore something like on the screenshot(s). No one ever wore something like that in real combat except for Conan the Barbarian and Chuck Norris. And I think Chuck Norris is just a legend and never really lived.
Legions of naked, woad-covered, screaming Celts, would like to have a word with you. :whistling:
(I'm also thinking that some of the Ancient Greeks probably weren't covered head to toe in armor. And then I'm reminded of some of the historical armies that a friend of mine has painted up for the miniatures game
De Bellis Antiquitatis - a game where people care about their accuracy.... armies that have plenty of the lesser crappy troops with exposed skin. All the way down to the armed Hindu peasantry, going to war in just loincloths.)
Edit: in the end, they'll give us the same basic kinds of armor that they always have. And none of it'll be particularly "skimpy" compared to your average mod armor or Boris Vallejo painting.