The one true fix to Brink's amazing AI wooping tail:
You have to become some super freak twitchy frag machine, and simply repeatedly wipe out the entire enemy force... and.. believe it or not.. the AI will complete their objectives.Works for me, you try
PS: The defending force always has the upper hand in map layout, which has a huge impact on the way AI performs. There is a certain seek time between the time an AI sees an enemy, and the time it fires on that enemy. The defending force
always has the upper hand when it comes to visibility of the enemy. As pertaining to AI.
PSS: And Yes.. I really did say that... " Super Freak Twitchy Frag Machine"
Yup, you have to become a CoD super-soldier-lone-wolf-person with these moronic AI bots, lol!
At least,
I had to so many times. You have to pretty
much clear the entire room or area/section before your teammates push forward (or go towards a Command Post again :down: ).
Not only am I doing the primary objectives, I'm also
trying to finish up the rooms for them because these guys don't progress unless there are no enemies (and captured Command Posts) in sight. So, yeah, total Rambo.
It turns out that works better than actually trying to take the effort to support these guys (I'm a Medic).
The three levels in Security I DID finish were because: I went ahead of the teammate AI, did the primary Objective (or allow one AI to do the objective if he's smart enough), and kept charging forward and only reviving/buffing two-three guys (whoever in the current room who can be my bullet sponges) and ignoring the rest of dead bodies (there were A LOT of dead bodies with these brain-dead AI bots, lol).....which is weird because this game emphasizes teamwork so much, lol! :ermm:
Um, so basically offline, this game is not teaching me teamwork, it's teaching me to become
a CoD lone-wolf Rambo (with two/three bullet sponges), thus encouraging me to become a CoD twitchy person who fights only for himself (or, er, herself, lol).... Oh, well, survival of the fittest, no? :hehe:
Teamwork, yeah, right. Not with these guys. The enemy, on the other hand, has a much better sense of the definition of the word "teamwork" than your ally bots, hee.
Right now, I'm taking a big break from Brink because these bots stress me out THAT much. It's not fun anymore, it's becoming too much like work. I'm going to play something else while I wait for SD to make future patches.....which hopefully does come next month. If not, I'm trading it in. It's a unique, interesting game with lots of potential, but it feels terribly unpolished or something....