What's up with ... no women?

Post » Mon May 02, 2011 11:34 pm

In Game Informer's magazine coverage, a screenshot caption states, "... facial and body features are entirely customizable." I can't link you, as the captions weren't carried over to the online version of the same article. I'm sure body customisation has been mentioned elsewhere, as well, but I can't remember where. I might be putting too much faith in GI.

Interesting. Thanks. I don't suppose we could get a confirmation from the devs? :D No? Ah, well.
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Oscar Vazquez
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 10:24 pm

I find the kind of male leads, who are the usual stereotype, that have so many muscles that it's amazing they have room for the brain, or can even walk let alone stand without falling to the side - "Me have muscles!" *falls to the side* "Me need help standing, too many muscles"

Like Gears Of War for example, those characters have the most over the top design, they're so bland and more muscle than person. I have never seen any man like that where I live, most men where I live have big beer bellies...

Ah, Gears of War, what a silly over macho design it had. Yes, even many men found the characterisations distasteful - I guess the mirror of it would be like targeting a game at the teenage female demographic, but have all the protagonists as the equally ridiculous "dangerously thin and airheaded" supermodel stereotype.
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 10:21 am

I find the kind of male leads, who are the usual stereotype, that have so many muscles that it's amazing they have room for the brain, or can even walk let alone stand without falling to the side - "Me have muscles!" *falls to the side* "Me need help standing, too many muscles"

Like Gears Of War for example, those characters have the most over the top design, they're so bland and more muscle than person. I have never seen any man like that where I live, most men where I live have big beer bellies, that isn't something you see with male leads in games. The almighty beer belly, with wobble action.
And then there's the steel cutter chins, chins so sharp, so rugged that they likely cut through into alternate dimensions with a slight movement and can cut through steel with barely any effort.

I'll agree with that, insofar we're talking aesthetics : generic representations of men and women end up quite boring. Hard to relate to *that*. Seems more attention is paid to that, I dunno - of course, better visual tech helps : I mean, the new Lara Croft, for instance, she does have some personality ; pretty yet very obviously tough.

Beyond that, idealization ? No problem with it. Beer bellies can keep away. :P But you gotta have some variety and originality to make it work.
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James Rhead
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 3:39 am

Rpgs to me mean playing someone else, totally different to everyday life.


If I want to play someone like me then I play real life.
This game called 'real life' has great graphics and physics btw. Even cloth and hair physics!
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 4:52 am

Ask yourself ... how would you feel if Bethesda were to announce that the Dovahkiin was female. Would not being given the option to play a guy bother you? Do you think it would bother other guys? Would you feel it was the same game if you had no choice but to roleplay a female?

Wouldn't bother me much, my favorite character to play in FFXIII was Lightning and don't forget Valkyrie profile. I have no quarrel with being forced to play a female if it fits the game but that really isn't an issue on the table seeing as how every TES game (don't add in the adventures) have had a choice of what gender of which of the ten races you want to play and Skyrim is no different.
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Inol Wakhid
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 10:53 pm

I agree. i want to see some ladies rockin a sword or something. but you should worry, women will be in the game
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Wane Peters
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 7:36 pm

I was wondering when are they gonna show us teh skooma!
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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 8:35 pm


If I want to play someone like me then I play real life.
This game has great graphics and physics btw. Even cloth and hair physics!

Where did it say cloth and hair physics? I must have missed that article.

As for the topic at hand, well, I would like to see a few more examples. In Oblivion, and especially Morrowind, I felt like the female characters got the short end of the stick.
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Hannah Whitlock
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 7:04 pm

And yet people want realism, or rather they're idea of realism, and it generally always has to be the usual unrealistic male lead, while going with the excuse that only men can do anything while the women sit back at home and knit. If a woman is threatened, then more likely than not she's going to fight back, well I know I would.
Just because outdated, backwards gender stereotypes say that only men can do things while woman can't doesn't mean that those stereotypes are true, given encouragment and support a woman will do her best to do a job that a man, in a gender stereotypical role, can do. Even if she may not have the kind of upper body strength than a man might have, she'll still do her best with her own abilities.

Encouragement and support can go a long way.

Whatever the case may be in reality (and in the games that mimic it more closely), you don't have to put up with it in a heroic fantasy setting. Girls can and frequently do kick behind in anything resembling this genre (I refer you to my avatar; she can beat up most guys anyone), with no limitations due to gender; and if their appearances are often idealised, that's at least something that applies equally to male heroes.
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Rudy Paint fingers
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 9:16 am

This game has great graphics and physics btw. Even cloth and hair physics!

Please, do elaborate.

Any links to certified official word would be much appreciated, I am sure.
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Hella Beast
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 11:05 pm

Where did it say cloth and hair physics? I must have missed that article.

As for the topic at hand, well, I would like to see a few more examples. In Oblivion, and especially Morrowind, I felt like the female characters got the short end of the stick.

Please, do elaborate.

Any links to certified official word would be much appreciated, I am sure.

I meant the game named 'real life'.
I'll edit my post to be more clear ;)
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 11:25 pm

< nip. >
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joseluis perez
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 3:29 am

I meant the game named 'real life'.
I'll edit my post to be more clear ;)

My apologies, Squire.

I am keen to be on the aggressive with a huge front foot, stepping into the shot, and timing the ball nicely...feeling it zip away to the boundary... :woot:
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Krystal Wilson
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 8:12 pm

I'd like to suggest something...a little experiment, if you will. Imagine this: You're a gamer, love games, love playing them, want to play more of them. In your universe/other dimension/alternate reality, the world of gaming consists mostly of women making the games. They love gaming too but they think men don't really play much, for whatever reason. So the games they make mostly have women heroines. So you post on their forum to remind them you're out there. It's good that you did that...they need to know how much you care.

Did that do anything for you? Did you really lean back and close your eyes and try to imagine how you'd FEEL? :) Seriously, give it a little tryout. All that being said, I'm absolutely grateful that Bethesda does so much for female gamers. They are progressive, not recessive and it means a lot. Thank you.

:tes: ...and waiting for a glimpse of that lady Dovahkiin armor.

Sometimes thats just the way it turns out. In most games I dont have to "imagine" anything. Feeling ostracized is not unique to women. Like I said there are PLENTY of people in our society that are CONSTANTLY brushed over. Ignored.

Im not saying this to be rude, but you ought to consider that there are minorities who are marginalized far worse than yourself. One of the reasons being is because they are minorities in either society, or their respective interests. If you're one of those minorities I speak of, then you should know that sometimes that's just the way things go. Unless females all of a sudden take a greater interest in games like this, then this trend will continue.

BGS has promised the ability to play as a female. They have shown you several females. They have never taken a "sixist" approach in the series and women have always had the same amount of detail put in. And remember that there are people besides you who have not seen ANYONE that resembles them in Skyrim as of yet. I dont see them complaining about a dearth of pictures.

What more do you want? You have it good
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 4:07 am

Dunno about hair, but the cloth physics have been explicitely mentionned at least in the french playstation mag, of that I'm sure (read it). And I know it's been repeated in other mags.

I am lazy. Please, someone link me to the statement/indication that cloth physics are in.
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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 7:28 pm

Dunno about hair, but the cloth physics have been explicitely mentionned at least in the french playstation mag, of that I'm sure (read it). And I know it's been repeated in other mags.

I don't suppose you could provide a quote? Because I haven't seen anything in the screenshots or the trailer that resembles cloth physics. They all still look plastered to the legs and such.
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Allison C
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 8:48 pm

I am lazy. Please, someone link me to the statement/indication that cloth physics are in.

I don't suppose you could provide a quote? Because I haven't seen anything in the screenshots or the trailer that resembles cloth physics. They all still look plastered to the legs and such.

I think mainly I should not post past midnight. :lmao: I obviously become confused, as a few minutes of searching proves.
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 9:42 am

I think mainly I should not post past midnight. :lmao: I obviously become confused, as a few minutes of searching proves.

You and Walex getting my hopes up that I had missed something... :cry:
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Catherine Harte
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 10:43 am

I think mainly I should not post past midnight. :lmao: I obviously become confused, as a few minutes of searching proves.


You deserve to be shot.
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Damian Parsons
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 1:25 am

You and Walex getting my hopes up that I had missed something... :cry:


You deserve to be shot.

That was totally accidental, but I gotta admit, it's kind of fun messing with people's hopes like that, if only for two minutes. :huh:
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Conor Byrne
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 8:21 am

I wish Rockstar and other companies, like Activision, would learn from the approach of adding gender choice and allowing the player the choice while still offering a good story for their games. So many development studios could do with learning that.
A good story can still be told, as long as you have the imagination to tell it while adapting it to a male or a female character with small differences. Many complained about fallout 3's story, yet I thought Fallout 3's story was really good.

It wasn't about some alien invasion or fanatics or whatever, it was a story that looked at something that is very important - survival while looking for your only remaining parent. The pure water angle was a wonderful addition after the first part of the story was complete, because water is very important for life. It doesn't matter how many weapons you have, or how much money or whatever, without food and water even the mightest army can be defeated through hunger and thrist alone.
That's what I liked about Fallout 3's story, not only did it work well the most with the female choice - the black widow perk helped a lot since there were more male NPC's than female ones - but it had a more emotional aspect than it did with the male. When I played Fallout 3 four times over, and always with a female lead since the male one felt wrong, I found that the game had a more emotional feel to it with the female character because she was looking for her only living relative in a hostile wasteland.

Add to that how the game began, by being born, it added something very rich that the haters couldn't grasp, that the game wasn't about waving guns around and killing everything that moved, that was just one part of the game, but that it was about life in this hostile land.
And the water part of the story only added to that, you had a choice with it - do you help with providing fresh, pure water to a land that is dying, or do you make things even worse? It wasn't about good adn evil, hero versus villian, it was about choices, feelings in regards to those choices.

With a female lead that worked wonderfully, it felt much more involving for me due to how much I actually cared about helping the survivours have a better future than they expected.

I hope Skyrim's story will be as emotionally involving as Fallout 3's was, that it isn't just about fighting some great evil, but about your actions and choices along the way that can either lead to a hopeful future, or a future where there is no hope.
And even more than the female choice really does make a difference in regards of those actions.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 11:46 pm

You and Walex getting my hopes up that I had missed something... :cry:


You deserve to be shot.

That was totally accidental, but I gotta admit, it's kind of fun messing with people's hopes like that, if only for two minutes. :huh:

I guess we have to watch the shadows now. Mitheledh and Nokiacrazi will surely wait for us somewhere where we don't expect it. xD
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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 2:13 am

Sometimes thats just the way it turns out. In most games I dont have to "imagine" anything. Feeling ostracized is not unique to women. Like I said there are PLENTY of people in our society that are CONSTANTLY brushed over. Ignored.

Im not saying this to be rude, but you ought to consider that there are minorities who are marginalized far worse than yourself. One of the reasons being is because they are minorities in either society, or their respective interests. If you're one of those minorities I speak of, then you should know that sometimes that's just the way things go. Unless females all of a sudden take a greater interest in games like this, then this trend will continue.

You DO realize that most minorities also have female members . . . so excluding females is like a double whammy for female minorities.

Over the past decade, females have taken a MUCH greater interest in games in general . . . including TES games. When I first joined these forums back in in 2002 (before Morrowind had been released), I was one of the few female members. That is no longer true. According to statistics, females mow make up 40% of all gamers. (Some of us even make mods for these game.)

BGS has promised the ability to play as a female. They have shown you several females. They have never taken a "sixist" approach in the series and women have always had the same amount of detail put in. And remember that there are people besides you who have not seen ANYONE that resembles them in Skyrim as of yet. I dont see them complaining about a dearth of pictures.
What more do you want? You have it good

And we've all stated that we appreciate the fact the Bethesda has included us.
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 12:35 am

I know the Devs read this forum, and I'm wondering: what is up? Every single Player Character shown is some ugly hulking guy. Are you not expecting us to buy the game? Play the game?

Bethesda does seem to display a boys-club mindset. In the Races section of Oblivion's game manual, every single race is represented by a male. In the class-selection portion of the game itself, every single class is represented by a male. I hope Skyrim offers a better-balanced presentation.
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James Wilson
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 4:48 am

You DO realize that most minorities also have female members . . . so excluding females is like a double whammy for female minorities.

Over the past decade, females have taken a MUCH greater interest in games in general . . . including TES games. When I first joined these forums back in in 2002 (before Morrowind had been released), I was one of the few female members. That is no longer true. According to statistics, females mow make up 40% of all gamers. (Some of us even make mods for these game.)

And we've all stated that we appreciate the fact the Bethesda has included us.

not the op. she accused them of sixism.

point is she was wrong. she started a fuss over nothing. dont you get it NOTHING!!!!

this thread shoud be closed. girls are in the game. nuff said.
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