Which is just as bad. Why not a "What you want" thread?
I made that thread. It was "what men want", because, as a heterosixual woman, I'm not much interested in what women want, and this is a forum populated largely by men, so I thought it would be an interesting place to pose the question.

It was fun to read too (from what I kept up with anyway)!

As for me, I think the main things are a mutual sense of respect, trust, responsibility etc.. A relationship should be equal in all aspects for me. A sense of humour is great too (on a side note, I'm trying an online dating site and a guy in a wheelchair listed "sitting down" in his interests. Made me laugh so I had to message him - who knows what will happen?

For me, I don't like men who are too "touchy feely" or overly flirty/affectionate - I like my personal space, at least until we're dating. I don't have a physical "type", although if I'm honest, I assume that anyone who looks like they spend their life at the gym won't be my type of guy (and I'm sure they think something similar when they see me!). A bit of ambition is very attractive too. Doesn't matter if he's not quite there yet, but having dreams and drive definitely counts for something in my book.
And I'm a svcker for musicians. It's a cliché, but it works for me.