The first thing that comes to mind is someone that I can talk hours on end with about anything. I'd like him to be fairly intelligent and down to earth, as well as being open to sharing my passions and beliefs, and sharing his with me. I'd like him to introduce me to new and exciting things from his life. A good, unique sense of humor is a massive plus, as long as he's still mature and sensible. Someone who does small, sweet things that make me smile. Money isn't a huge factor, but he should use it sensibly and have a fair idea of where he's going career-wise.
One of the biggest things is that he must be honest with me. I doesn't matter what awful thing he's done, as long as he's honest with me I'm going to feel a lot better about it. I want to trust him, and I want him to trust me. Most of all, he should love me, and realise that I get angry and upset sometimes, often over little things. He should show emotion around me too, because then I know that he's being honest with me.
As far as looks go, I'm not too fussed. I tend to prefer guys with brown hair, but as long as he has a nice, sweet smile it doesn't bother me. I'd like him to give good hugs too. Bonus if he likes Top Gear

I'm only young though, and I've never really been in a proper relationship, so I suppose what I look for/appreciate in men will change as I get older :shrug: