just because you don't care does not mean it is not important.
Human History is full of facts, events, and deeds that to the average man do not seem important, but they helped shape the world, both border wise and political-wise.
if you have ever taken a University history course ( I have ), you will realize that, after the provinces started being able to successfully fight back against the massive armies of the Roman Empire, it was basically the end of the Roman Empire (as we knew it anyway, as the Byzantine empire was basically the remnants of the roman empire..).
So yes, the outcome of the Civil War will be very important, as it could pretty much decide the fate of the empires future.
If the empire wins, most of the provinces will remain under their control.
if the Stormcloaks win, most other provinces will realize the Empire can be beaten, and likely rise up and take down the empire while gaining Independence for each province.
and as the Empire has always played a very crucial role in the Elder Scrolls series, yes who won the civil war will be very important..
Unless of course they throw us all into Akavir...