I have 9 dealers setup on sandbox packages to go to their assigned table and deal for 8 hours. Then they simply sandbox around in the casino and restuarant until their work shift comes back up. Very simple, and they work fine.
I have the gamblers set to do basically the same thing except they have a travel package instead of sandbox and are linked to the blackjack stool they are supposed to sit at. The travel package is to the linked ref where they gamble for 8 hours and sandbox around the rest of the time with the dealers. They work fine too, but...
Twice now I have had all of them set up and working properly, and both times at a certain point if I make any changes to my plugin the damn gamblers just disappear! It's really frustrating to work 2 or 3 hours creating all these NPC's and packages, make sure they work properly and all of the sudden they just stop appearing in the game. It can be as simple as changing the radius from 500 to 1000 on a package they are not even using and they just go poof!