First of all, anybody else playing as an ASoIaF inspired character? If yes, please do comment as whom and how you fill in the role

I didn't really plan it, I just didn't know how to build my character in the beginning yet. But somehow, when I was in the char creation part, I combined a copper-brownish Redguard with a rather peculiar beard, and it just struck me. I was going to be khal Drogo!
My rules are: always keep your horse nearby, dual wield light and fast weaponry and, now that I'm strong enough to largely ignore armor rating, wear Dothraki looking armor. Also, never get too close to the sea, unless absolutely necessary, salt water is bad for you. I'm rather loosely role playing though. As I'm kind of the 'want-to-do-everything-now-woooow-woooooow!' kind of player I'm pretty guilty of wanting to join every guild. However I justify this to myself by saying that to amass a powerful khalasar I obviously have to rule everything! I have a thorough explanation story for every guild I join, but that would be besides the point.
Point being! I've been playing through my life, starting out as a youngster, looking to carve out his first reputation by robbing and intimidating poor merchants with the Thieves Guild, went over Black Brotherhood, Companions, etc. And now I am arriving at the Civil war. Which side to pick? I haven't delved too deeply in the beliefs and main-actors of both sides yet, but currently I'm leaning towards the Stormcloaks myself. Seeing as how the Dothraki particularly dislike those who have inherited their titles and done nothing to earn them I would say that Drogo would absolutely despise the weak Empire and it's Emperor. However I haven't really met with Tullius yet, who knows, seeing he is a valiant warrior and commander he might have some arguments for my Drogo. What do you guys think a true Dothraki would do? Mind you, this is not about which side is the politically or socially right one, this is about which side would be worthy of me and my by now considerable khalasar joining (and probably in the end leading) it's cause.
So, summary:
a ) You play as an ASoIaF based character?
b ) Drogo --> Stormcloak or Imperial Legionair?