Hello All,
This is my first thread on the forums, but I hope that it is a relavant topic worth starting (if it hasn't started already).
For starters, I am playing on Xbox and i've discovered there are differences between systems (Glitches, Bugs, etc). I've been playing Skyrim and I am up to 410 hours with a level 75 character (and still leveling). Most of the time I walk everywhere because I enjoy the journey and what I run into as much as the actual quests and such themselves. Of course while im traveling I happen to take note of things that I feel would be a little easier to control.
What I am speaking of is the favorites menu. Of course we all have favorites and most of us are sure to open it up as soon as we come across something we feel needs an axe to the face instead of a spell. Myself personally I have 50 to 75 different items favorited just cause I like to change it up on the fly.
Essentially what I thought would be a great feature is if the favorite menu had catagories to them. Similar to how the main menu has catagories, you would open up the favorites menu and see a smaller list of catagories by which you could select one and a dropdown of all the items you selected as a favorite would be in that dropdown menu. Another option I figured would be to have the option to move left or right in the favorites menu to titled "pages" that would have all the items in their given catagory paged for quick navigation. Along with the ability to either dropdown a catagory or page to it, in the settings menu you should have the option to select which catagories in the favorites menu you would like to see, therefore eliminating the headache of "paging" through catagories that you don't even use.
I find the favorites menu to be very useful, and i've even discovered a trick that if you hold down the joystick in the favorites menu and then press down on the d-pad that the list moves twice as fast, but still. Then you blast by the item you want and then have to click back up to it cause you passed it. I figure it would be nice in case you wanted Chain Lightning in one hand and Wall of flames in the other and not have to go through the entire list because they are both on opposite ends of the favorites menu. The same applies to other items as well, those that you can't re-name and manually group items together.
Let me know what you think of this idea, and post other ideas you would like to see!!!