Care to point me to these quests with their plethora of choices? I do really like Fallout, or at least New Vegas (I've only played the last three games). Fallout 3 is okay and Fallout 4 is a big improvement in some ways, a marginal improvement in others, and a huge step backwards in others. Overall, an improvement over Bethesda's last attempt, but definitely didn't live up to the hype, and far from the best one in the series.
As for your unsolicited advice, I'm happy here, thank you. There are people on this forum I like talking to, I do like this franchise, and I want to see it improve. I feel that pointing out flaws, such as Fallout 4's nearly pathological need to not use locations or ideas to their full potential, mostly creating unique areas that serve as shooting galleries and little else, is the best way to do that.
Echo chambers don't do anyone any good.
To be fair, a Fallout MMO makes a lot more sense than TES. TES was built on heroes of prophecy. Fallout doesn't have that problem, so as long as everyone's backstory isn't that they're the last living member of a Vault, it shouldn't be too much of a problem.