In the earlier games, what was doable in game was limited by and to your character's capabilities. In Oblivion, your character's capabilities are mere weak modifiers to what you, the player, can do TO the game.
As for another thing discarded by Oblivion, Lore consistency. One of the most easily visible ways that the lore in game is screwed around is wearable ancient armor styles.
example images of Dweemer (dwarven) armor from Morrowind and Oblivion on UESP:
Morrowind -
Oblivion -
Ancient armor should not change in style over games. Current manufactured armor, however, should. But even here, there are limits as to what should be allowed to be done.
example images of Orcish armor from Morrowind and Oblivion on UESP:
Morrowind - heavy oriental influence -
Oblivion - where's the oriental look gone -
The force to close focus when a player-NPC conversation happens. I HATE that. :flame:
Also on the subject of conversations, kill the gods damned guards being able to do a force to close focus challenge on the PC when the PC is already in combat with other NPCs/creatures. :banghead: :swear:
-Massive reduction in hostile encounters when traveling on roads in general.
The lack of there being any flying creatures in Oblivion, to me, felt like a big mistake.
As for the Cliffracers themselves, in Morrowind, I liked them, except when the freshly killed corpse of one fell through the landscape before I was able to harvest it. :shakehead: Such holes in the maps should be found and fixed BEFORE a game is released.
That was something also defective in Morrowind, the sheer tiny number of non-hostile creatures when compared to the armies of hostile ones. And the way that you are swarmed upon by the hostiles as soon as you set foot out of a town, even when you are on the road, and not trekking cross country through the forest.
Another thing that is broken in both Morrowind and Oblivion is Alchemy. In both, once you know all the effects levels for ingredients, there is no way to craft potions masking out unwanted effects and/or using only selected effects from the ingredients. Also wrong with Alchemy and weapons is not being able to apply ANY potion to a weapon.
-Speaking of enchantments, could you please make armor enchantments on-use again? Being able to add a Constant Effect enchantment to your Daedric Cuirass with the mere soul of a mudcrab makes no sense.
OK, something seems wrong here, first you say leave Enchantment out, then you say you want to be able to Enchant stuff in a certain way.
Make it possible to kick an NPC/creature.
Make on-strike enchantments available on ALL weapons, and boots and gauntlets.
edit: insert correct image URL

Thanks for the info on what I'd glitched, Count Lauriel.

Jenifur Charne