This is the general impression I do get on this forum.
It really doesnt matter what is removed, how much the game is gimped and how much it is dumbed down to placate the FPS crowd..
There will always be those who claim it is the best thing to happen to elder scrolls yet.
I mean, how anyone can seriously defend no spellmaking and no acrobatics or athletics is beyond me, so since we have already passed the line of credulence I see no limits in sight.
I lol'd on the first things you said but really, it's their game, they can change it how they want, it's allways been like this, alwaaaays.
And on the removal of said skills, anyone can run and jump right?, so it doesn't mean anything, if you want super speed, well there's macigal clothing for that, want to jump higher, cast a spell or use feather boots or w/e..and they already explained to us, why there's (probably) no spellmaking, It's because they want to focus on the spells they have, and make them as awesome and versitile as humanly possible.