It seems like no matter what they announce has been taken out (I'm not going to list them here), certain people here always defend their decisions. Now we have just found out hand to hand has also been removed, and yet again people are lining up to justify why it doesn't matter, and nay, is even a good thing.
How far would Bethesda have to 'streamline' this game, before the pro-whatever-bethesda-decide-to-do camp would actually start to get annoyed? Is that even possible?
It just seems like all meaningful discussion here gets killed by people who defend every decision they make to the death, no matter what it is. All threads become a battle between those who actively question every decision they make, and those who defend every decision they make.
Surely the questioning of these decisions are what make this forum a worthwhile thing?
p.s - I think some decent reasonable discussion can be had on this matter, from both camps. Mods, please don't kill this thread - it might provide some insight for both groups into the thinking of the other : )