» Sat May 28, 2011 5:29 pm
Character Creation:
I'd like to see about 20 Pre-Fabricated models that were already tweaked by the designers that already looked really different and cool, so I could first see what the engine was capable of creating. If I wanted to then take their base model and tweak it further, I could do that, or I could just move to the next aspect having chosen a cool character model. I don't like that you had to either randomly choose a character that looked like the Toxic Avenger character, or you had to spend hours tweaking his face just so it wouldn't look like a Play-Dough monstrosity, hahahaha. Give us some already made cool characters to choose from first, let us see what can be done, and then work from there.
I'd like the lighting improvements suggested above too.
I'd like the that whatever portion of the character you are working on could be zoomed in on and the character should automatically list from side to side to give you the variation in angle to see if the choice you're selecting looks good from many angles ...
I'd like something to make up for a lack of Class selection, so that Character Creation is still very involved and feels full, not quickly rushed through like a Dungeon Siege game, where you select your character and begin. I HATE THAT the most. Character Creation is the sacred duty of any TRUE RPG. It should be doted upon excessively with love and attention to all facets.
For example, I think Character Creation should involve you selecting from a list of elements about your personal upbringing, history, family members (whether they are alive in another Province like Morrowind, or dead, but not in Skyrim because how could they know how to program your father's story dialogues in advance? No, they can still get rid of your family members, but they could exist.) That way bad guys who know you could threaten them to taunt you. And some trackers might have found you because they went to your parents house first. Some of your enemies may even have killed your parents to enrage you, or to get vengeance on you for messing up their plans in some way.
You could also assign some "old friend" that the game could make a Companion who returns to visit you. You give him a name at Character Creation and they are instantly your loyal best friend from childhood. You select from a small list of ways you helped each other, like he saved your life, or vice versa, and the game has some pre-fabricated plotlines already fleshed out for each scenario and later he comes to find you and become a part of your life again, help you on quests, or just do something for you in the town where your home is to repair your home, or help you find a girlfriend, or find you some jobs ... so you feel like he's still your best friend.
I would also like to see more reasons why you have flaws or scars in your character's face or body (if there are any flaws in Skyrim's char creation) ... like why do you have that nine-inch scar across your face? You get a list of reasons : I was in the Durgoth skirmish 10 years ago. That way you can meet other soldiers in your travels who were in the battle too, who instantly like you or feel kinship to you through your shared war exploits. In this way, there could be a rich tapestry of friends, allies, and old enemies to flesh out your character, making him immensely different than any of your other characters you create for Skyrim.
Each game would have entirely new aspects beyond just the plot or random quests that provide new experiences, storylines, and sensations beyond the default game, without even needing any Mods to do this.