What would you add by DLC or mod, if not in FO 4?

Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:03 pm

I'm not against catamarans, or trimarans, trifoils, or anything. They are probably easier to build, particularly when limited numbers and resources may be the situation, and are quite stable.

I've been looking forward to something that fleshes out Alistair Tenpenny, or that sheds light on what that type of immigration looks like. To me that has me thinking of more traditional sailing ships; it's just what my brain conjurers up. It isn't to say that any fine sea faring vessel wouldn't suffice.

.....and if trimarans are present, a waterworld easter egg should be mandatory.
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:06 pm

I am not against traditional ships myself, your suggestion and thoughts of the sole survivor's old world and attitudes brought to mind that probably the latest top end private sail craft in a port city like Boston; with well paid tech savvy people like an MIT employee or graduate involved in related enterprises would be made of plastics, composites and possibly metal like ceramics such as those used in advanced power armor, body armor and riot gear.

Such boats might inspire future ship builders using wood. Depending on the alloys, ceramics, plastics and composites they were made from, if they were made from the same materials as the robots many of the original boats s may yet be serviceable,

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Abel Vazquez
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:12 am

How hard would it be to create a mod or expansion that allowed you to brings back a caravan of upgraded bots, and use them in the FO 4 world, to salvage and restore?

To create a Tinker Faction if there is none in Boston?

To go back to NY NE to trade for gear, parts, bots you can't get in Boston, or would you be able to up grade bots in Boston, repair vaults in the Boston area because of a DLC?

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jenny goodwin
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:26 pm

Dogmeat K-9 tactical rig

These could be a starting point


Check out the K-9 Storm Intruder rig on the Shepard 2nd top left. Click on it. That periscope mast has a RC IR video camera that allows a handler 1/4 mile back to see and hear what the dog does and give the dog spoken directions via radio, using a tablet rig. (Check the 2nd of the Related Images to the right)

Such a rig working through your Pipboy would give a properly trained Dogmeat (and you) the ability to do a great many tasks that are otherwise impossible. The camera view in your Pipboy screen wouldn't even have to include your dog's head, it could be your first person view just framed by the Pipboy screen.

Maybe we should ask for a recon stealth suit to go over this rig. So you can work as a team You provide a distraction while Dogmeat in stealth mode grabs something special you need.

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vicki kitterman
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:46 am

Hopefully in a mod that allows you to have more than one animal companion including big cats from jags or panthers to tigers, canids and caniforms from coyotes and wolves to bears raised from kittens,pups and cubs by animal whisperers who can teach skills to rival and surpass animal friend. Let us assume some exotic animal handlers and exotic animal owners planned ahead for the survival of their charges as the clouds of nuclear holocaust formed and maybe made plans with others of like mind to establish remote sanctuaries where they and their heirs might live out their lives with their animal companions should civilization fall.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:57 pm

h. p. Lovecraft.


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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:40 pm

Lots of people are going to say Salem but I want to see the Cape, Springfield area, or Brockton area where I was born. That last one would be real weird for me.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:23 pm

I agree with this guy! :D

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:23 pm

Romancable Codsworth.

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Daramis McGee
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:27 pm

What I would add with mods: I'd add my own perks, for game-play and role-play reasons (eg; a bunch of useful survivalist perks to use with a survivalist character, etc.), starting with adding the Confirmed Bachelor perk if it's not in the game so I can play my characters properly (since for role-play purposes perks are essentially personality traits as far as I'm concerned).

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:24 pm

Animal whisperer faction

I would like to suggest a DLC with a vast New York New England wilderness with few targets worth nuking and thus a few scattered wasteland areas I would like to have hundreds of small scattered pre war rural communities that have survived with their local light industries (including quarries, cement, concrete and mortar factories) and grown because of the farm and rural traditions of preparing for all foreseeable hard times.

From these communities I would like to see a Followers of the Apocalypse type Tinker faction grow that sends teams into the wasteland through their network to set up schools and clinics to help educate and raise the living standards of wasteland survivor communities. These schools encourage graduates to apprentice with their volunteers to help serve other survivors both local and ever further out, and maybe join their faction, if proven suitable.

A faction that trains tinkers to help communities modernize local technology to improve local farming, help recycle local scrap resources, rebuild or recycle buildings accordingly and build new ones (bullet resistant mortar and stone buildings along the perimeter of the town that invaders must pass between. The shooters don’t have to worry about their bullets penetrating if they fire on invaders between buildings, as buildings cover each other.) Maybe they help settle the nearest local wilderness.

I would like to suggest an animal whisperer faction of big cat, canine, canid (wolves and foxes, etc), and caniform (bear, eventually Yao Guai) handlers and owners who planned for their charges as well as themselves, and reached out to other members of their community to organize months before the war.

200 years later and many generations of breeding there is not much in any of these families of animals that cannot be a good loyal companion to someone who has trained themselves to work with these animals, (and no they cannot talk, but maybe you can mod such a “skin” on a Dogmeat frame, even a dog sized cub if you’ve wanted such a companion.)

I think the animal whisperer skill should work to keep wild animals, including Yao Guai possibly Death claw, from attacking you. I think it should be one of the skills you can learn in an established Tinker school from members of the animal whisperer faction.

I offer that if you can train a dog you would be encouraged to adopt a hatchling Death claw as an experienced whisperer can get them to bond so the Death claw will imprint on you and your dog as ducklings, goslings and such will the first person or animal they see after hatching (provided it doesn’t kill and eat them.)

Whisperers have done this for generations now, and bred even more generations of Death claw to be loyal pack members to their adopted family.

Communities like such families because while Death claws cannot bark with dogs they can howl with them (sounds a lot like large boulders grinding against each other), and the grief howls of a dog and Death claw if you have killed one of their beloved has an especially bowel loosening effect on those who have incurred their wrath. If you want to live, and you have the time to relieve yourself before you leave, you should probably just start running and throwing away everything that will slow you down.

Especially if a neighborhood full of sympathetic paws and claws are coming with them, after you and yours. You will have a long way to run; reeking of sweat, urine, feces and fear and the only thing that might help you against a pack of maybe a couple hundred armored death claws and who knows how many armored dogs, and wolves of war trying to keep up, is maybe a couple thousand slower runners behind you, and hundreds more falling behind from up ahead.

Given how hard it is to get a few hundred to head into what is probably a vast wasteland from which no one anyone you can talk too claims to have returned, How big a raiding party (from which no one will return,) did you go up with? Now what made this place worth attacking in the first place?

Climbing a tree to where an advlt weights too much to follow does little good against the juveniles who are as arboreal as a monkey, one youth half your size and weight can kill you quick with one paw, and it had better not be wearing bullet resistant armor when it catches up to you because it is going to be fast moving, very maneuverable and probably not alone. Even if you have an energy pistol, it is probably best to turn it on yourself, if you have the time.

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Roisan Sweeney
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:00 pm

i will totally add with DLC or if isnt on the game water exploration

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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:05 pm

I would add Damage Threshold into the game. I was very sorry to see that it wasn't in the game to begin with, and I really hope there's a savvy modder out there who can figure out how to do it. If not, I will do my utmost to figure it out on my own.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:18 am

Tinker town trading centers

I suggest Tinkers should have trade centers where members can buy copies of just about any gear and equipment Tinkers have brought back for study and/or duplication. All the rare or exotic, authentic or rebuilt power armor, weapons, equipment, tools, bots or drones are available depending on what they can afford or barter. 200 years worth of loot, salvage and trade provides a lot to choose from.

Get a new or newly remanufactured weapon put a few years use on it trade it in just about an even trade for a new one, so it can be sold with legitimate wear on it and not look new manufacture. Don’t abuse it, make it look well used but well cared for (weekly militia drills, bi-annual mutual aid maneuvers add a lot of realistic wear) store it a few years under the proper conditions and sell it as part of a recently discovered prewar cache.

A lot of citizens have years in power armor, power armor isn’t a big seller outside because buyers need power armor training, but for community defense a few hundred skilled power armored local militia troops, every able bodied advlt weekly drilled armored militia members, and hundreds more inbound in mutual aid from the nearest neighboring communities, (with whom mutual aid maneuvers are held late winter and after last harvest and preservation of winter food stocks) pretty much means containment of any intrusion problem.

Then there are the observation and recon drones and teams, and the bots of war. Just about all the bots can drop their weapons and pick up appropriate arms to help defend their community. And most communities can if necessary release intruder animal companions supported by power armored handlers and armed handy bots to track down and silence any invaders who might have survived thus far. Good thing these communities are more set on making building up allies, as opposed to conquest.

Almost every competent young citizen of voting age does at least one two year apprentice tour in the wastelands with the Tinker networks so they appreciate the reality of the outer world, some find it a calling.

Most return home with a new appreciation of the choices they’ve made and how they lived their lives. Some see opportunity for profit and adventure, others to go out and exploit people they see as weaker; hopefully they have enough friends and family at home to not betray the community. Before they leave home all in the teams are trained to look out for giveaways and tells in each other, that someone needs to be sent home and kept there, least they do something rookie stupid and harm the communities.

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Vincent Joe
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:16 pm

Passage of Seasons FO 4

More passage of time aspects so that a quest can seem to take weeks or months, maybe a change of seasons. I would like going into the wilderness with the Tinkers to take a couple of years while you learn what has changed the past two hundred years (How much experience will you have had dealing with what 200 years has done to the tech you know), trade old world information for new, do quest and prove your value to each other. There would be a great deal you could learn from a faction like the Tinkers that has traded with and served communities far and wide for centuries. As well as factions like the animal whisperers.

In my crafting of a world of adventure you don't learn new skills and abilities in a few days, you don't transform a place in a matter of days or weeks, or see the consequences of all your decisions and actions in a few weeks. Earning trust and developing a smooth working relationship with companions especially animals can take time measured in seasons. Commitment has cost measureable in the aging of loved ones.

If you leave the wilderness with a bot caravan, the exotic armors, weapons and gear you wanted you have learned and earned a lot to get there, Dogmeat might have a little more silver in his or her muzzle. You may have a death claw hatchling bigger than Dogmeat in and intruder that has lived with you all its life.

Stills showing Dogmeat and your cub, hatchling, kitten checking each other out, learning to play and sleep together, baby curled up against dog’s belly, later back to back, ultimately at the end of story the one time baby curled protectively around his white muzzled lifelong companion.

The baby learning pack life from the dog, imitating the dog stretching like a dog, rapidly rocking it's head from side to side so it's jowls make a flapping sound, the two sparring and playing together. People and other animals ‘sparring’ and learning their fighting styles strengths and weaknesses and how to dodge or if possible defeat them.

Learning to work via Intruder rig with you tele-observing and directing as seasons and setting change.

Maybe ask the various artists in the FO 4 fan community to craft some stills that fit with illustrations in the game to offer illustrations that convey how this could be conveyed without words or trying to be overly cute. Isn’t loyalty and reliability how most of us develop a relationship with, come to trust and care about real animals?

By the same token showing the passage of time through still illustrations can do a lot for character development fast, inexpensive and easy though they take thought, creativity and talent. A unposed photo album of a person and their two animal companions, people and their animal companions together through out the days, because that is how they spend their days. Showing affection when they can because they are comfortable and want to be together, that is normal and the way it is supposed to be regardless of what else is happening.

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Syaza Ramali
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:56 pm

Assuming it's not already in the game?

Sailing... and a Kraken.
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Angela Woods
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:23 pm

Ability to create or renovate a Casino, and run it.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:52 am

With the right repair bots you might find a sail boat of modern design that isn't all rotted, rusted or other wise corroded away because it is made of alloys, plastics, composites or ceramics that resist breaking down. A boat that needs to be raised, patched and repaired, or maybe merely patched repaired and relaunched. If you knew where to find and how to get such bots up to speed, (and you are the sole survivor with all kinds of pre war knowledge fresh in your mind), it would make sense for ship maintenance and repair Handy bots to exist, they exist for homes.

Your could could sail the coasts and intercoastal waterways looking for better boats to salvage and transfer to and the gear and attachments to do the job. work out the details and keep the posts going far and wide spreading your ideas, if enough people are inspired someone might be inspired to create something you like. Life is too short and time flows too fast to not try while you can.

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Marta Wolko
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:36 pm

Horse Armour

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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:45 am

Non-mutant horses, livestock and wild life in the wilderness, where communities and farms were virtually radiation free. Armour for animals could be light weight composites and high tech ceramic plates recycled from pre war scrap, taken in trade by tinkers, and sewn into recycled armor carriers like the K-9 armor.

Mutant wildlife like Yao Guai and and Death claws may have wandered into the wilderness, I am not sure about rad scorpions and mole rats in the snowy north. I would hope that away from radiation and with abundant good food and water they would be healthier and not so ratty and mangy.

In fact raised and bred by whisperers for over a century, with whisperers ranging far and wide with Tinkers for generations selecting young breeding stock to send home, there should be some truly impressive examples of what a healthy Yao Guai or Death claw can be.

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An Lor
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:51 am

Animal companions in intruder rigs.

Consider doing tasks as the primary character guiding an animal companion via pip boy and intruder rig https://www.google.com/search?q=Police+and+Military+K-9+armor&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0CCgQ7AlqFQoTCPXE266DkcgCFYKKDQod87QFzw&biw=1536&bih=755 , https://itsadisaster.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/mwd-k9-gear.jpg?w=560 .

Consider doing stealth as a dog, wolf or big cat, normally lower to the ground than a crouching human, using an intruder rig camera on a telescoping periscope type mast no bigger than a car antenna, (a mast extendable to the height of a standing man only far, far less noticeable than any man.)

Imagine having the stealth, climbing and melee skills of a mature 200+ pound trained jungle cat in body armor, or the stealth and fighting skills of a mature highly well armored trained dog or wolf.

Imagine an adolescent death claw the size of a man able to move and climb like a big cat and or monkey, and strike like a death claw with "martial arts" training.

Picture a death claw that grew up sparring with humans and learning our weaknesses. Picture a death claw with parkour like abilities beyond human, but hopefully not ridiculous, (they are not in an exoskeleton, power armor or a jet pack, they are still flesh and blood)

Limit their leaping ability to maybe thirty feet running leap, they are not Spiderman or iron man, please nothing ridiculous like leaping building to building across a street. Direct a multi engine flying cargo bot grab a loop on the back of their armor since you have such bots,

If you’ve got a bot with six such fan pods, and light enough power armor let it give you a quick short range lift if you don’t have jump jets on your armor, or time to wait on a verti bird. Don’t put senseless limits on using your resources.

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Catherine N
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:30 am

Alternate death. By far my favorite mod.

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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:19 am

I wouldn't mind doing some stuff in the past. Like before the bombs drop like in the intro. Whether it be flashback or actual time travel I think I f2f would be pretty cool.
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:30 pm

I want to explore the cape myself. Or head up 93 towards where I live. Though there isn't much up here....
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Cesar Gomez
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:31 pm

I like this idea alot, please expand on it.

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Verity Hurding
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