This is completely new to me. What is it?
This is completely new to me. What is it?
Things could change a lot in such a place in 200 years, especially if there is nothing nearby to justify nuking.
From another thread...
I will practically beg any mod maker to do a death alternative mod. This is a mod for hardcoe fans and may not be for everyone but one of my biggest pet peeves of open world games is that there is little to no consequence to dying. Just go in, try to kill an enemy, if you die, meh, just reload. A death alternative makes is so that you never technically "die," but rather you're "knocked out," and when you wake up you find yourself in very compromised position(s). You're stuff may be gone, you may be held captive by bandits or super mutants. Perhaps someone is selling you into slavery. Maybe you were left for dead out in the middle of nowhere, the possibilities are truly endless. This works exceptionally well with a hardcoe mod/survival mod.
This adds so much to the game because it makes dying something that you try your best to avoid. There were times in Skyrim where I was forced to run from an enemy and the chase was so intense because I didn't want to have my stuff taken from me. You're always given the option to track down your stuff and that can become a quest in and of itself. One of my most satisfying moments in Skyrim was when I tracked down a bandit maurauder who had stolen my favorite sword for me. Killing him and reclaiming my sword was an awesome moment.
That sounds like a great option.
It should be an option a player can choose for their game, who looses if you choose it?
It is your game, you paid your money for it, and why have to repeat a play over and over again in a ground hog day loop if your real world obligations only allow you and hour or so every few days to play?
But would such choices involve a lot of extra programming and drive space? This is such a good idea I would like to hear some explanation why it isn't more common.
I would like to capture or acquire such a facility to give the Tinker faction new resources and knowledge to advance the recovery of mankind from the war, before such knowledge and resources are lost for generations. I would prefer to do this without killing as many people as possible on what ever pretense for pretense killing as many people as possible with as much gore as possible.
I would like it to be someplace where my companions and I can reach and return to and from reliably, with means readily and routinely available to us,even so far as verti birds.
Maybe a remote location in the wilderness of Canada. There could be a lot in such remote locations in Canada, New York/ New England, maybe not that far from far flung Tinker settlements, (largely untouched by a massive war, centuries ago.) from which geologist, geographers and scouts explore and search for mineral and other resources long forgotten, or yet to be discovered.
Also, replacing Dogmeat with a kitten named Red Socks. (for Boston Red Sox and for the absurd amount of blood forever staining his cute paws. May the Super Mutants fear our coming.)
If it's a mod, obviously it's the player(s) decision whether or not they use it. I would seriously doubt that it's in the vanilla game but I'm really hoping a mod maker will create this (a death alternative).
I can't see any good reasons not to have it, are you aware of any arguments against it?
I can't imagine it hasn't been discussed and for some reason discarded, I would like to find the arguments against, to many game resources in alternative results if you survive each time, as opposed to going back and trying again until you make the proper in game choices.
I can't really think of any open-world games that do this. It's just been the industry norm to have your character die and the user just reload.
I would add the option for more mundane jobs like being a farmer, hunter, bartender, shop owner etc.
Basically anything other than just killing random folk.
I believe you have a good and practical idea here.
if nobody else has thought of this, it is a good idea, like back packs instead of magic pockets to carry gear and loot or better yet capturing looting, saluaging or repairing and modify bots to carry your gear, loot and other possessions.
Your idea is worth advocating for, like the idea of being able to bury excess loot you can't carry, make a map marker so you can return for it later.
It's a makes sense option that players can choose to use or ignore.
Raising crops and animals doesn't have to be mundane, you should be able to show farm communities beyond the wasteland where people have large families and everybody has their share of work to do and do right everyday, their family has depended on everyone to do so since they were big enough to do their chores and thus it has been for generations.
Their families may have farmed for generation in the same areas, far enough from nuke targets to have never sustained significant radiation. Their remote communities have grown over two centuries and include ghoul relatives from near wasteland areas who had family to take them in beyond the wastelands, ghouls who are treated as treasured family because generations have grown up and passed on having known them all their lives.
In the real world there are probably hundreds of thousands of farm and rural families in the United States and Canada right now. They have hunted,fished, trapped and foraged from an early age gaining skills and experience all their lives, they are conservationists and survivalists, family traditions of always preparing for disaster and hard times, having the skills and tools to properly repair everything they own with the right parts and the ability to improvise temporary repairs on most things until they can do better.
They are neither lazy, ignorant or evil, they are the survivalist stock that could survive and in time thrive in the wilderness beyond the wastelands.
I would like them included that way in Fallout also.