What would you add by DLC or mod, if not in FO 4?

Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:47 am

When FO3 first shipped, I asked [one of the programmers] if an Idea I had for scripting a turn based AI behavior could ~technically work; And the answer was ~probably.

So For a FO4 mod, I would like to try adding the top-down (possibly point & click) UI, and if that's doable, then the turn based combat mechanics. Vats might be useful if I can remove the AP mechanics, and just make it a purchased action with the equipped weapon.

Restoring skills and removing them as perks might be a good thing to try also.

Barring any of the above... I might try to create new power armors. Certainly port my ADV MKII Armor to FO4; if it seems possible with the available tools.

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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:36 am

Wow, that would be quite an achievement. Don't know whether I'd want to use it or not. But regardless that would be quite the impressive piece of work.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:12 pm

Ability to make homes in Sanctuary Hills look brand new again. In a way not exactly "new" or how it was pre-war, but were I dont have to make a shack and I can just add beds, furniture....etc to my pre war home.

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Cathrin Hummel
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:33 pm

Operation Anchorage is my favorite FO 3 DLC because it allows you to get great power armor and loot early in the game, once you leave vault 101, the scenery is fantastic. I suspect it came to be in response to fan input, maybe fan feed back is why we get power armor early in FO 4, and maybe the forest of New Vegas as a test of how we would accept such forests in a post apocalypse waste land.

Nobody is forced to use an option if it doesn't fit their style, but the options are great for those who enjoy them, and their enjoyment does not hurt the game of those who don't want it. More of us get the options we want because enough of us asked for it and/or made the effort to express our appreciation.

My thanks to all who did make the effort, and are doing so now, your involvement has and can make the wait for FO 5 a lot more exciting and rewarding in this new world the Bethesda crew is providing us to explore and develop as best we can.

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jesse villaneda
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:10 am

Would you like to help set up brick kilns, or maybe chip crumbling mortar from the unbroken bricks of a house with weather dissolved mortar crumbling from centuries of neglect? Help build a mortar making operation and build a new brick house, or a house made with mortar and stone walls from the bed of a near by shallow creek.

Built and placed right you could shoot adversaries attacking your neighbors home without worrying about your bullets penetrating their walls, and they could return the favor. Attacking such a settlement would prove very costly.

Put the houses 50 yards apart and give invaders no serious cover or concealment, provide armored gun shutters with gun slits, your settlement would be a safe haven for wasteland families willing to work to earn a place in the community and a better life.

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Tamara Dost
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:24 am

Sheogorath....(extends arm drops mic)
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:59 am

Fertile Wasteland mod.

After 200 years, Boston should be pretty green.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:01 am

Yeah I would love to see a return of the automatic assault rifles of that style, that area was kind of a letdown for me in F:NV (so many revolvers...why no fully-automatic assault rifle?). The Chinese Assault Rifle was my bread-and-butter in Fallout 3

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:02 pm

I would like FO 4 to have a survivalist/prepper faction that is as honorable as most of the rural families I have known. People of all races who have prepared to endure periods of hardship from natural disaster, to a long and hard economic down turn.

They can raise crops and farm animals, hunt, fish and trap if they have to, and effectively, efficiently repair most everything they own given the tools and parts. They tend to be hard working, industrious and independent as possible, they are not that rare.

They tend to be conservative, patriotic, religious and if farmers, successful small business people with property and assets worth millions. Farmers have 24/7 responsibilities that their family has probably handled as farmers for generations, through all manner of hard times and setbacks, though many look down at them as ignorant and backwards hicks for such a hard and get dirty lifestyle.

Most do not have a lot of time for the latest political correctness. In an emergency they would choose to stay in their own community among family and friends and help each other out as best they could; they are not part-time want to be outdoors men, they know crops, animals their environment like everything they own depends upon it already.

I wonder if Mr. Heir’s ‘Army’ would stereotype and denigrate them as ignorant hicks if it were “social justice” PC to do so, since he equates nationalism (patriotism), with social injustice. I wonder what other social issues, like income inequality, they consider social injustice but they did not choose to mention.

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Anthony Rand
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:46 pm

I would really appreciate such a mod myself, or heavily forested areas with salvageable equipment and machinery in abandoned buildings long shielded from sight by forest growth.

I like your faith in the modding community and its response to and support of our players. As I check out the forum topics and responses of so many like minded participants the feeling grows that my purchase of FO 4 is an investment that I will enjoy through hundreds if not a thousand or more hours of game play and replay with mods and down load in my free time leading to the next FO installment.

Early in 2014 I had the time to look into progress with the next installments of my two favorite franchises Mass Effect and Fallout, I Googled Mass Effect 4, and came across the following controversy on Gamerheadlines.com and Polygon.com



“During a passionate speech during day three at GDC (2014), Manveer Heir, a game play designer at Mass Effect 4 developers Bioware, called for developers to work harder at fighting against the issues of social injustice and negative stereotypes in games.

The Mass Effect veteran went on to discuss how gaming consistently fails to tackle issues like “misogyny, sixism, racism, ethnocentrism, nationalism, ageism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, queerphobia and other types of social injustice.”

“We should use the ability of our medium to show players the issues first hand, or give them a unique understanding of the issues and complexities by crafting game mechanics along with narrative components that result in dynamics of play that create meaning for the player in ways that other media isn’t capable of.”

I think this is Heir’s way of making gamers think about the ‘issue’ rather than the sort of ‘there if you want it’ options offered by the sixuality of Mass Effect’s Commander Shepard.”

The controversy was whether an appeal to craft games to deal with social justice issues that included nationalism (patriotism), with “isms” like sixism and racism and the modern social phobias, because “too many” gamers given the option to explore such issues or not were opting not to, was taking away freedom to choose from the gamers.

Visit the links and read the reader reactions yourself. I bring this up because Bethesda seems a lot more about listening too, respecting and offering their customers’ choices and options, than the attendees of the 2014 Game Developers conference who gave Mr. Heir a two minutes standing ovation after his hour long speech.

As well intentioned as Mr. Heir’s motives might be I did not wait years for a game to be released that has been crafted to advance a social agenda, by ignoring the taste of its buyers, and trying to force buyers to chose options that if they were sold the game a franchise has led them to expect, most would not choose. I would have trouble recommending such a game to people whose opinion of me I value.

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Liv Brown
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:06 pm

China's polytech and norinco made great AKs that with decent maintenance and not fired on full auto could conceivably survive 200 years. AKs did good firing steel cased cartridge with soft steel jacketed, hard steel core bullets, no copper jacket, no lead bullet, no brass case, only different grades of steel. basically you needed chemicals for propellant and primers.

They were designed for inexpensive ammo that could be cheaply mass produced in time of severe war time material shortages.

They were designed and improved by survivors of one of the most brutal wars the world has known, many had survived WW 1 and the Russian revolution as well, and they were preparing to survive WW 3, They had no illusion how hard, brutal and desperate a struggle war could be. The AKs are guns to see you through hell on earth.

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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:31 pm

Agree, there should be more rural communities in the FO defending what they have with everything they've got. Only seems right for the condition of the FO universe coupled with my experience in RL.

As far as Heir's comments, all I'll say is that if his priorities are his company's priorities, then there can be little wonder why Bioware's in decline as a game developer and their games have really started to svck. They simply have become more and more un-fun. Yeah right Mr. Heir, please, please let me pay you $60 to be lectured about social justice, because God knows I'm not saturated with enough of that already.

Hopefully the settlement mechanic will give us a slight taste of community.

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Louise Lowe
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:46 pm

Well I hated Mass Effect 3 and now I see no reason to try 4. On the topic as a whole, I want singers to sing, authors to write, actors to act and I want my video game developers to make fun and interesting video games. What I want from ABSOLUTELY NONE OF THEM is to hear their political ideologies. I don't care. I really don't. If I am forced to make a choice between playing a game or dealing with somebody else's flawed rhetoric, I will play a game. If all game publishers push for some sort of "social justice" or other politically correct agenda, then I will buy no more games.

I like the idea of a "real people living off the fruits of their labor and industriousness" scenario/faction. I hope it is in the game by default but a mod of official DLC adding it would not be amiss.

I would like (but probably never see unless I learn to mod) is a real time construction element to the settlement system. Instead of insta-built structures, you gather the materials, create a wireframe and let Mr Handy go to town. In a few days, presto chango, a new home. As your settlement expands, you can assign workers to assist Codsworth and speed things up. Just the idea of the gradual build-up and then one day you turn around to notice that your shack has blossomed into Sweetwater. I know that particular vision of settlement building is probably not for everybody.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:12 am

I'd like DLC that pushes the story or engine in different directions. Maybe something that's exclusively on water (some post apocalyptic mega barge) or partially underwater.

Or stories where doing the right thing doesn't offer an appreciable material reward.

I also like the idea of repeatable missions. What beats clearing out a building of baddies? Doing it over again with better gear. The trick is doing it in a way that feels believable. Maybe you walk into town and someone says "hey did you hear raiders took over at the old Robco plant?"
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jadie kell
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:06 pm

Oh, I'd like Riot Armor modded in...preferably the unique set. If nothing else, I'd like to have a riot helm....with RAD resistance!

A set of Desert Ranger Combat Armor finding it's way back east, wouldn't disappoint me either.

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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:30 pm

FO3/NV style protectrons without the giant glass dome of FO4. Just to diversify.

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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:15 pm

I understand ME 4 isn't expected until mid to late next year, hopefully they won't be crafting a lot of pc scenarios into it buyers will not have any choice but to endure. However high end studios tend to try and avoid content that will cost them market share in different countries and cultures, and developers probably still have to answer to management.

If you are embarrassed to have people you want to respect you and your taste find you playing games with certain content, that content probably limits the pool of people you will recommend the game too. Multiply that by the percentage of gamers in that culture who feel the same way, and you have your market share in that culture.

A lot of social justice activists might be well intentioned, but a lot of the activists who will approach and push them for more are the same as those who have co-opted civil rights movement after civil rights movement.

I am black, 52years ago August 28th Reverend King led men and women of all races, advocating and risking their lives exercising non violent civil disobedience met on the steps of the Lincoln memorial in the 1963 March on Washington D.C.

52 years later our first black President is in his second term, and the face of the black civil rights movement is largely people siding with those chanting chants like "What do we want? Dead Cops! When do we want them? Now!" and "Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon!", if not themselves calling for violence in the streets up to the murder of law enforce of all races, but white cops in particular and in some cases white people period.

We have plenty of community leaders like those who still call for non-violent civil disobedience, and forgiving those who attack you and yours, and praying they repent and find salvation, even as you pray for justice for their crimes.

We have those who say “going along with lying to lynch somebody because of their race makes you no better than the Ku Klux Klan no matter what your race or theirs, and those who would try to intimidate you into going along with such a lie no matter what their race are no better than the Klan themselves.” How many of these people can you name, if any? Think you’d recognize any of their names if you heard them, and if not, why not?

These men and women just do not get the air time and influence of those who call for violence and vengeance, so guess who young and beginning activists tend to emulate? How many of those siding with violence can you name? Recognize the names Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Reverend Wright, or Malik Shabazz? Why?

Temptation for celebrity, influence and power can ruin good well intentioned people and lead them to do before the world what they never would have done, especially if they are rising from obscurity for their first time. Have some sympathy for them, but realize such have taken many good and even noble things down dark paths to obscurity and disrepute.

Be wary those with good intentions, high sounding agendas and the people who might be tempting them with a chance to be a celebrity by taking over something you care about to advance some other agenda.

Be wary especially if they try to intimidate others into going along to get along, with their agenda.

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Lizbeth Ruiz
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:37 pm

How about being able to salvage , repair, reprogram and modify Mr. Handy and industrial grade maintenance and repair bots to follow Codsworth's directions?

Swapping the lift thrusters under handy bots with ducted turbo fan thruster on the sides of the bot and additional arms coming out of the bottom of the bot or maybe a cargo pod.

These bots were designed and programmed to repair and maintain, and there is a lot of call for that in the waste land.

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Mari martnez Martinez
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:18 am

I also want ammo reloading...with handload recipes available once you've leveled a bit. Please tell me you didn't cut that out. I'm certain the modders will extend things like CALIBR/CaliberX for FO4, then we can just build the recipes and stats, if Bethesda saw no value in it.

Please Bethesda, please have kept the reloading bench...otherwise we'll have to add one back in and go through the nut roll of re-building the mechanic.

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Deon Knight
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:13 pm

I never really liked mods, im kinda old fashioned that way. I prefer to play what the devs designed in a manor that they envisioned it. Its like taking a book and rewriting it when you use mods. I simply prefer the original author. :)
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:56 am

That's a neat idea.

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Scarlet Devil
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:27 am

i think bethesda had something like that in the pittsburg dlc and I think they'll have it in fallout 4 it might usable with the work bench so you dont need to keep going back and forth between tables.
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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:37 pm

It'd be a mod, but an overhaul that adds in hardcoe mode features, ammo types and reloading, and adding back classic skills, perks, and traits. If it's like Fallout 3 and New Vegas the skills might be difficult. If I remember correctly the skill list was hardcoded and while you could edit skills, you could not add them with additional functions. It is probably similar when adding skills and the UI would be clunky at best.

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Chris Johnston
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:10 pm

I'm looking more for the detailed mechanic like New Vegas, which was improved further with the CabliberX mod adding in more ammunition calibers, complete with an inventory system of spent shells and casings, powder, primer and lead. The 13 handloads you could build were really a gem on hardcoe/very hard. Handloader was a great perk, in that the DAM / accuracy / DT reduction boosts were so good, that you could carry far less ammo (when it mattered). Not to mention if you were running short, or in an area like Dead Money where ammo was scarce, being able to craft your own ammo with Junk Rounds was more than a little valuable.

Having a reloading bench was just pain cool, but if Beth will merely keep the ammunition crafting and handloading mechanic, I will be satisfied. The role laying aspect of the mechanic was a plus for me as well.
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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:13 pm

Survival crafting was immersive and fun as well. I hope we get to keep that. If Firestarter is an actual perk, it sounds like some of that will be in the game.
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