In FO 2 and Tactics Handy bots had ducted fan type thrusters om pylons on the body and six arms where Codsworth has his hover thrusters, in a DLC or mod the lone survivor of vault 111 might find something like a grave yard of these earlier handys from which he can salvage the parts to restore three or four caravans or work crews and still have spare parts and maybe a special exploration salvage convoy.
This would be a lot like sending a handful of contractor work crews in work trucks to help in New Orleans after Katrina. But if they worked with enough locals or settlers they could make quite a difference.
Check out what pre FO 3 Hand'y bots looked like.
first on the left. Had six arms Imagine it with the three eyes and able to fire accurately with a rifle in each hand. maybe a rifle in five hands and the sixth swapping magazines,
Maybe three or four firing and the other arms charging mags from stripper clips and swapping mags.
I would like to be able to rescue captive slaves and not have them helpless cattle.
If they can't fend for themselves yet, set them free and have most of them willing to follow orders helping out and earning their keep in their new community.
How about a mod or DLC that allows you to be a Tinker with the pre war tech knowledge to make a real difference in how people live who are willing to struggle, sacrifice and work hard and long for a safer, healthier more prosperous life?
I recently discovered the website Vault 111, I liked what I saw enough that I subscribed and as I explored it came across the following under game perks, it out. It describes the Attack Dog perk and how and why Dogmeat is such a special and capable dog.
Check out background on how the info was collected and some great intel on the game.
Something that's not allowed to talk about here. It's related to undeveloped humans and an anti-material rifle.
The Ability to create your own follower, you have a couple backstories to choose from, choose gender, choose Special/perks and then go into the character creator and design the face. That would be a dream of mine to add in to Fallout 4 or even TES.
Didn't appreciate you were a modder until I read
My Mods are and will always be free
Skyrim Mods-
New Vegas Mod-
Morrowind Mod-
Hope you come across something here that inspires you.
Hopefully a mod will come out where I can look down and see my legs. Im not too fussy usually but I kinda like looking down in a game and seeing legs and a body. there is a great mod for skyrim that did this, plus it fixed the eye level for my high elf in first person.
Your buried stash idea is so simple, straight forward, obvious a solution to a problem, it is face palm, "why didn't I think to suggest that" brilliant. Likewise your suggestion for what might be a bicycle or maybe mountain bike. During the Vietnam war it was alleged the Viet Cong could hang close to 200 kilos on a bike in packs and sacks. I've seen photos but can not verify the weight.
didnt u watch the trailer u can call a Vertibird to pick u up and move around and shoot from it.
Thank you for your support Mr. Whitfield.
FO NV had the wild wasteland perk, maybe we should ask for a perk or option with levels that make npcs more like the inspiring everyday people you find saluaging their stuff and struggling to rebuild their lives after a flood or storm disaster. I would like less cartoonish caricatures, and no teddy bears.
Let those who want to play that way have the option, enough people have more than their share of harsh reality in the rest of their lives, but some of the most enduring and endearing memories I have from the Mass Effect franchise were NPCs I didn't get involved with, couldn't speak to, but over heard more of their situation each time I came to certain areas.
A young woman who sold her hot red sports coupe to buy her Salarian boy friend the best armor she could afford, he thought it was just issued him by mistake.
A young woman waiting for her parent’s overdue evacuation ship, which probably will never arrive, being befriended by a Turian security officer who is looking out for her as she slowly comes to face her reality.
An old woman probably in denial, asking a kindly young Asari who reminded her of her missing son's girl friend (who probably was the girl friend) to help her get in contact with her missing but probably dead son. The Asari seems to know the truth and probably informed the woman earlier..
A gunnery officer instructing his gunners they had better hit their targets because the nuclear projectile they fired could travel light-years over centuries and bring undeserved hell on innocents who had done nothing to deserve it. All of these examples from the Citadel in ME 3.
Anybody else got examples from other franchises that stick in their minds to maybe inspire a modder coming across this?
I don't even know what to call this perk, I am open to suggestions. I invite others to take my ideas and run with them if they resonate with you; build on them if you feel inspired. Any suggestion that helps build this franchise benefits us all.
This perk or option is probably a task for modders it resonates with, to get it out fast, if it is a niche they can develop and get good at it they may well develop a following by adding memorable characters that help you justify trying and struggling to help a group or community. Too many games lack enough examples like these that aren't ham handed or clichéd.
This is an art and skill to develop that a lot of franchises can benefit from. A lot of artists design great weapons, armors, vehicles, monsters, characters you name it, NPC dialogs that give atmosphere to a franchise and helps you care about the community you serve, are probably better for the franchise than activists trying to drive you into going along with their agenda you would not choose for entertainment, by limiting other options.
Do we know how soon in the game you get the option to call in a verti bird? In the mean time if you can not yet build any kind of caravan or bots (if bots are even or ever a caravan option with out DLC or Mods.)
Do we know how soon in the game your get the power armor to help you carry loot and gear? Check out cargo bikes if you haven't already .
No magic cargo pockets to stash rifles and armor into.
What had happened to Veronica's love interest by the time I found her in Sierra Madre was one of the major turn offs of the DLC for me.
That and the cheap maze nature of the buildings and streets with no windows or door in many places it would have made sense to have them, being an immersion buster that made no sense. It made this my least liked FO DLC, and a true chore to try and complete.
I can't find any good reason to have her so tortured, mutilated and crippled except the writers were rebelling against pressure to work around a story line they found hijacked by activists trying to advance a laundry list of objectives that took time and continuity from what normally flowed with the writers. She had to be in there, they made her pitiful and mutilated, when she had played her little part they dropped her and forgot her, she was just there because she had to be.
I would have liked the option to have an Auto Doc (?) at least give the girl a voice and tell her about Veronica and where to look for her if she didn't want to come back with me. There wasn't a character in the quest I could do anything but feel sorry for if anything. Hard to believe this was the crew that gave us Veronica, the arms trading vet, the leader of Jacobstown etc..
I couldn't play the DLC through I just didn't want to be there after a while, I believe I called it a night the second or third evening I had a few hours to play it, felt no big desire to go back to it, and didn't when I had the time.
(Reminded me of many blackspoitation/ blaxploitation films of the 70s that pushed capable, talented artists to produce stories they probably would not have chosen to tell, in a manner many found condescending to most of the audience, and denigrating the tastes and values of our community.
Most of us did not/ do not identify with thugs and criminals, and find little nobility in the lifestyle, most who live with the results on family and community are like refugees eager to leave it a bad memory in our past. But many of us felt compelled to support emerging black artists and their works.)