I've been thinking of creating a Tinker faction of farmer/survivalists couples and families who set up in a reasonable sized settlement or community and repair machinery, machine tools, power tools, ,generators, pumps, bots, tech items most others can not. Teach survival skills like hunting, trapping, foraging, fishing and martial arts skills to escaped or liberated slaves, orphaned or abandoned youth and babies when they are old enough. Teach community and home defense, Police work and fire fighting, civil engineering, construction and public sanitation systems from water purification to waste water treatment.
Maybe they set up a followers type school to teach elementary education like reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic and math, maybe pre war civics, home and small business economics, skills like setting up and running a foundry, kiln, sawmill or machine shop that repairs and refurbishes fabrication technology to make repair parts for more advanced fabrication technology. Maybe farming if you are not from a farm family. Hunting, foraging, fishing, trapping, skinning animals and curing hides for sale or use, raising, harvesting, processing and preserving crops and livestock.
Teach programming, electronics repair and program Handy bot tutors, (the sole survivor would probably know from old shops for tech enthusiasts and tiger parents to the homes of Tiger parents he or she knew where to find such programs if not repairable high end home tutor bots for MIT types who wanted their children to excel in the engineering and technical sciences.) The tinker school would teach hard sciences like geology and physics, the life sciences biology,zoology, botany, ecology and the environment. How to do research, how to repair, tweak and upgrade machinery and equipment, how to design and fabricate improvements.
Teach medical, nursing, pharmacology and chemistry, veterinary and agricultural trades and skills. Restore technology to copy and access this tech knowledge, and information that is increasingly lost or confused outside of that digitally stored. (Stash some of these programs and systems including tutor bots just in case). Teach self discipline, how to study, and teach, basic parenting, educate and prepare the neighbors you'd like your children or grandchildren to raise their families among.