What would you add by DLC or mod, if not in FO 4?

Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:38 pm

I like this idea as well. Bethesda has announced the Season Pass price of thirty dollars for all the DLC, however much or little that turns out to be. Given that limitation, small mods that add life, either by opening up a new, small area or by adding/opening such a business after the player has cleared an area, makes sense.
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Saul C
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:46 am

Yeah that was my one big critisism of fallout 3 as well as nv. There were npcs but there was no "life" people just kind of wandered around in set patterns. I would love if the cities actually felt like cities. The trailer looks promising so we will see what they bring to fo4. II want more music, real time encounters, criminals running around, people arguing and selling things on the street ect.
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Becky Palmer
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:54 pm

Can you at least have an auto doctor capsule restore her ability to speak, maybe do something with her scars? I realize this is just a game still for the price of the DLC at least the good feeling of doing what good you can for a companion like Veronica.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:23 pm

Voice yes, but only as a plot device really. Scars no.
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:47 pm

Thank you, I may try it again when now, but if you say it is a disappointing ending I trust your taste and judgement.

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Betsy Humpledink
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:22 pm

Fallout New Vegas: Doc Mitchell's one line "Don't mention it, it's what I'm here for," when you actually thank him for patching you up, instead of saying the ass hat response...that it a real world response and something you won't hear everyday out in the wastes.
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Joe Alvarado
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:49 pm

Something like "Good Samaritan"...with a description of: "Because this is the real world, not a dark fantasy novel that strips humanity of everything that makes it human because it's socially vogue now for us to start self loathing. If you haven't experienced it then perhaps you need to get out more. Leaving the centers of dependency (i.e. urban areas) for even a brief period of time is a good start.

Good Samaritan would required Charisma 10. "Only then can you inspire others to be more than what they've settled for."


Good Samaritan could be focused on other NPCs requiring Perception 10 from the PC, because only with PER 10 "are you paying enough attention to things around you to notice those noble souls who actually think of others before themselves. These people will be of great assistance in your quests and in turn you will assist them in their endeavors and perhaps find a home. Be warned, It won't be easy though."

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:55 pm

I'd say the whole DLC is disappointing. Really sub-par. Silly as it sounds, I finished only because I couldn't bear to leave these imaginary people with explosive collars.
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Steve Fallon
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 3:14 pm

Agreed. Doc Mitchell patches up the player even though there is nothing in it for him. That might not be most common in humanity, but it does still exist, and it's under-represented in games. Most of the NPCs, there is really nothing one can do for them.
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Chris BEvan
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:55 pm

Doubt this would be possible but...

Archery... the ability to craft a bow and arrows and definitely even some trick arrows. Preferably in green or red, thank you, but purple would be pefectly fine too.

With the story taking place in the Boston area and the history of Massachutes... I would love some story DLC that referenced some supernatural and occult stuff. I'd even go as far as maybe wanting a light brown trenchcoat and a pack of silk cut smokes for my hero. And some sort of stage magician garb with top hat for a heroine.

I'd be shocked if someone doesn't come up with some stark design skins for the power armor in the game that is (apparently) customizeable. If people are gonna do something like that then we might as well get a shield melee weapon and a hammer mod.

Just a few thoughts there.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:02 pm

I've been thinking of creating a Tinker faction of farmer/survivalists couples and families who set up in a reasonable sized settlement or community and repair machinery, machine tools, power tools, ,generators, pumps, bots, tech items most others can not. Teach survival skills like hunting, trapping, foraging, fishing and martial arts skills to escaped or liberated slaves, orphaned or abandoned youth and babies when they are old enough. Teach community and home defense, Police work and fire fighting, civil engineering, construction and public sanitation systems from water purification to waste water treatment.

Maybe they set up a followers type school to teach elementary education like reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic and math, maybe pre war civics, home and small business economics, skills like setting up and running a foundry, kiln, sawmill or machine shop that repairs and refurbishes fabrication technology to make repair parts for more advanced fabrication technology. Maybe farming if you are not from a farm family. Hunting, foraging, fishing, trapping, skinning animals and curing hides for sale or use, raising, harvesting, processing and preserving crops and livestock.

Teach programming, electronics repair and program Handy bot tutors, (the sole survivor would probably know from old shops for tech enthusiasts and tiger parents to the homes of Tiger parents he or she knew where to find such programs if not repairable high end home tutor bots for MIT types who wanted their children to excel in the engineering and technical sciences.) The tinker school would teach hard sciences like geology and physics, the life sciences biology,zoology, botany, ecology and the environment. How to do research, how to repair, tweak and upgrade machinery and equipment, how to design and fabricate improvements.

Teach medical, nursing, pharmacology and chemistry, veterinary and agricultural trades and skills. Restore technology to copy and access this tech knowledge, and information that is increasingly lost or confused outside of that digitally stored. (Stash some of these programs and systems including tutor bots just in case). Teach self discipline, how to study, and teach, basic parenting, educate and prepare the neighbors you'd like your children or grandchildren to raise their families among.

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phillip crookes
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:54 am

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:48 pm

I have started a new thread Codsworth the Handy speculating on what in such a DLC readers might like to see . rather than put my speculations and preferences on quest for such a DLC here it is all at

http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1535862-what-would-you-put-in-a-codsworth-the-handy-dlc-or-mod/and I would like your comments and opinions on the quest to bring loot and resources to start a Tinker Faction.

Basically a bunch of settlements run by survivalists descendants used to hardwork, struggle and sacrifice, who struggle to recover and restore technologies and knowledge on the verge of being lost to the survivors of the apocalypse and their heirs.

Still room for the other quests, but quest for those who want to make significant progress restoring the world.

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Vickytoria Vasquez
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:49 pm


Reposted this after my first attempt brought up empty screen after empty screen.

I have started a new thread Codsworth the Handy speculating on what in such a DLC readers might like to see . rather than put my speculations and preferences on quest for such a DLC here it is all at

http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1535862-what-would-you-put-in-a-codsworth-the-handy-dlc-or-mod/and I would like your comments and opinions on the quest to bring loot and resources to start a Tinker Faction.

Basically a bunch of settlements run by survivalists descendants used to hard work, struggle and sacrifice, who struggle to recover and restore technologies and knowledge on the verge of being lost to the survivors of the apocalypse and their heirs.

Still room for the other quests, but quest for those who want to make significant progress restoring the world.

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jessica breen
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:09 pm

I would like Giant Spiders, a Tommy Gun(with vertical foregrip), living squirrels and iguanas, Cats and Horses(just because they're extinct in some areas doesn't mean they're entirely extinct in fallout usa,also the institute could probably clone them.). I also would like a Burrows world-space (concept for Fallout 2), A place inhabited by highly intelligent anthropomorphic animals created by a corporation from before The Great War, There would be joinable factions and multiple questlines, In addition to the S'lanter(raccoons) there would be other animals that got the same FEV anthro intelligence treatment, apes,monkeys,cats,dogs,mice,rats,rabbits, and geckos( is it too much to ask for bipedal geckos that are smart enough to make use of those hands that they have?), with references to Planet of the Apes, Secret of NIMH,Animal Farm and Watership Down. And I also would like Intelligent Deathclaws (descendants of Goris).

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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:52 pm

Maybe the Tinker Faction could already be evolved from an East Coast “Brotherhood of Followers" group who maybe even the original Followers. ‘Preppers’ who started as mostly rural and farmer survivalists who’s families had traditionally planned on surviving the natural disasters, economic hard times, etc that hit most victims with little or no warning.

Eventually they saw fit to prep for a catastrophic nuclear war, and prepped for rebuilding as well before the war. They may have stocked up the parts and resources to build up super Handys / industrial/ construction / agricultural bots from pre war, you and or your spouse may have known some of the original founders, or at some time been part of the movement yourself before you could sign on to a vault.

They might have been involved with some of the shops that sold and serviced maybe even developed or customized such tech, as ownership or employees. The might have included programmers and software developers who could see the potential of their skills to preserve and share knowledge with and through people prepared to survive and rebuild.

They could have helped develope or been developing a larger more practical Handy without the fancy hover rocket, with the half dozen arms of the original Handy, arms that could double as legs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-e9QzIkP5qI, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cB9SZktBuIo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XpjVlGn6_o so the bots could go cross country if too loaded to fly on 2 to 6 legs, with thrusters providing 300 pound of upward thrust to counter act some of the weight that keeps them from hovering, run like they are 300 pounds lighter.

Detachable high speed ducted fan pods so it's wider, larger, barrel; shaped body could fit through standard doorways as it walked on four legs much like a dog or pack animal as opposed to a spider or crab. Its grippers are more like hands with maybe 4 fingers

They may include the designers of the Handys depicted in FO 1, 2 and Tactics. The Handy of FO 3, NV and 4 may be a cheaper more easily mass produced home version of the commercial, industrial, agricultural versions, or maybe the more heavy duty units were inspired by the cheaper light duty home, office, business Handy bots.

Both classes of which are the same basic heavy or light duty bots with different attachments and software.

If the heavies speak they do not need to have the familiar voice talent of Mr. Handy.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:37 am

Localization files. That way I could create shops with folks speaking Russian/Spanish/French all babbling in the background while I do things.

Think of the Skyrim experience, how many of us hated hearing about arrows to the knee? Now imagine if some of those guards said it in a different language? You wouldn't immediately know what they were talking about. -- Of course skyrim is a limited example, I am thinking more of bustling city, where you might not understand what everyone is saying and it adds background noise.

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Beulah Bell
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:07 pm

- Recipes to craft the adhesive component (i'm not great with chemistry, but there has to be more in the world than duct tape and wonderglue that could be used for adhesive)

- Tons of additional junk weapons/mods and less standard weapons. After 200 years, traditional factory made weapons should be very scarce. Also, I just like the feel of a junk-weapon filled world and having lots of variety in terms of junk weapons increases the feeling that they are actual improvised weapons.

- Crippled limb UI icon replacement/removal (personal preference, didn't like the icon I saw in the demo)

- Schematic and experimentation crafting system. For example, to learn how to make a piperifle, you must first find one (or a schematic) and 'experiment' with it. Same goes for individual mods.

- Smart settlement invasion enemies. They retreat if they see overwhelming defenses and occasionally try to infiltrate by disguising themselves as traders.

- And the typical stuff, like mods to remove level scaling, increase scarcity, balance economy, realistic encumbrance with backpacks, etc.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:27 pm

DLC involved with sailing ships of an unknown faction landing in Boston Harbor.
Two if by Sea, they could call it.
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:53 pm

For Xbox One: trigger rumble for safecracking and lockpick.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:04 am

A good idea for larger communities but I think everyone should be able to speak English, I don't think there would be a lot of incentive for a lot of people to be bi lingual since most don't travel that far.

There is probably not a lot someone can do who chooses not to learn the language of where they live, and not a lot of charity to support those who could support themselves but don't, and take charity meant for those who really need it because they are so disabled they can't support themselves. In hard times there is not a lot to to go around, and those who struggle don't like to carry parasites who'll prey on anybody, but especially the weakest of the community.

Still communities or parts of a community where people who can speak other languages and keep them alive and do so are valuable, School of higher education would attract students from all over the world, there should be multi lingual people who would have passed this knowledge on to other generations and classes to keep the languages alive. No predicting what old world knowledge might be preserved in a foreign language.

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James Shaw
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:03 pm

My own harem armed with tommy guns. Yeah, that's what I want
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Killah Bee
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:51 pm

Id like to have unlimited use PA (if it isnt already in the game)
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:34 pm

What do you think of catamarans and trimarans, beyond 'more deck space"? Why limit a pre or post apocalypse fleet to unimaginative old fashioned sailing ships?

Hemp canvas sails and hemp rope make sailing ships and boats a very sound choice.

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Bethany Short
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:13 pm

I have long loved Colonel Thompson's .45 cal. submachinegun. 30 round stick.mag or 50 round drum magazine, one hell of a little buddy. Then along came the AK-47 and the Chinese 75 round drum mag feeding 7.62x39mm rounds. equivalent to a 30-30 deer rifle round. Even more reliable a little buddy, and a lot easier to clean and a lot more dirt tolerant.

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