What would you add by DLC or mod, if not in FO 4?

Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:17 am

What would you like developers or modders to make available by down load, for you to enhance your game? Think them out, maybe you, or we can inspire someone can do something.

I personally would like the ability to customize Dogmeat to look like dogs I've lived with and loved ever since, (ultimate explore and rebuild a world companion, and we have the technology.)

I'd like to be able to repair, salvage, capture, and upgrade maintenance bots like handy bots to have a caravan of bots able to carry, hide with or defend my loot and gear, credibly carry the tools, gear, and loot. A nearby mobile field base to fall back to for resupply, gear repairs, healing, and swap out weapons.

I would need these bots to salvage and restore other resources like machine tools and fabrication facilities. Facilities to produce resources like mortar to build new stone buildings or bunkers, to produce resources like ammunition, cloth for new clothing from natural fibers like hemp or marijuana or other weed like fibrous plants, animal hairs, etc.

I'd like to be able to train companions to be more capable tinkers or trades people, people that I can do business with later, when they move on or settle down. I’d like to attract groups like the Followers of the Apocalypse, though more hard bitten and less PC, maybe ex BoS or Enclave.

I'd like to be able to restore abandoned vaults to habitable and they attract settlers like farmers, traders, trades people, tinkers, military vets who will build a bunker like buildings of mortar and stone, that can protect occupants from small arms fire, and allow neighboring settlement buildings to cover each other from attackers.

If I were fresh out of a vault with the pre war world fresh in my mind, and possibly all kinds of technical skills, I think my first and most consuming interest would be to rebuild as much as I could as close to what I had as I could before any more of the surviving resources deteriorated beyond salvage. Accepting hanging out in squalor like those who had known nothing different or better would be the last thing on my mind.

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Kayla Bee
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:24 pm

The things I did for Skyrim and what Bethesda, unlike other devs, does not add: Clothing and armor. I'm kinda glad they don't, though. It's better they focus on story dlc's, imo. Unfortunately I don't think we'll see lingerie and the like because we won't have a nvde body, to begin with. You kinda need that even for something as basic as stay-ups and tights/leggings, if you want some transparency that it is. And the fishnet stay-ups/tights is kinda iconic for the wasteland woman traveler, imo.

I always make my own home, too. But I don't know how useful that will be anymore when we can make our own settlement. However, the 1950's style home you start the game in, I do want a mod that add that in. And mods that adds more 1950' furniture.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:04 pm

We haven't had our hands on the game yet so it's hard to say. We've gotten what 10 minutes of selected gameplay out of the hundreds of possible hours. I'm glad it will be months before the tools for modding are released. I think everyone should have time with the vanilla game before modding

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Eibe Novy
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:22 pm

Ammo reloading. Or is it confirmed? They've kept a lot of personal crafting mechanics under wraps. I know we can do Minecraft and build weapons and mods out the wazzoo, but can I handload ammo? If not, I want that.

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renee Duhamel
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:50 am

Multiple companions at least dog+1
Npcs react to weather
Severe weather-snow buildup
Better weather
Dlc i want new monsters and new locations in game like dawn guard fid
I want big stpmpy robots
Romance-i pick companion mods thatseadt have option
Companions eith quests of their own
I want a immerdive citizens mod
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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:23 pm

I agree we should play the game first before we decide what we find lacking, but is it too early to start thinking about what we would like to see in the game whether it is is there or not, or ever will be?

If it's in the game you can build a bot caravan, and program or modify them to better maintain or repair things than they were originally designed to, great. Maybe mods to enhance that, if not is it to early to stir imaginations to what might be possible?

This franchise has evolved in the directions it has probably because enough people expressed their preferences early on, to developers who considered and were influenced by the player response and what they could do.

Dogmeat is apparently immortal now, from once killed restart game if you want another chance with your canine companion, to suddenly there is a puppy spawned near vault 101, to one of the most popular animal companions in gaming. This came from listening to their fans and players.

So let's weigh in and help them develop the options that earn more resources put into the next installment, because listening to what resonates with or disappoints the fan base can help grow the fan base, and justify the investment of turning out the next installment bigger, better and faster.

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Steve Fallon
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:02 pm

Avtomat Kalashnikova.

Every wasteland needs a AK, and although I dont have the modelling skills to make one myself, I am sure that a good mod for one will pop up eventually.

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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:38 am

Like I said, they're playing their cards pretty close as of now, but I'd also add in survival crafting if it's not in the game. I think some consumable crafting is confirmed/semi-confirmed, but I would add in a food and aid menu as wide as New Vegas'.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 3:12 pm

Going full Desert Ranger, eh? I would love that aswell. My Fallout 4 character would probably fit right in with those guys, and I hope there's a good group of survivalists around to align with or atleast learn from in The Commonwealth.

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elliot mudd
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:18 pm

Guaranteed! There's a guy on Nexus (I forgot his name), but he added in an AK store in the Mojave. He had about 40 different models of AKs, RPKs, SVD's, etc. Nothing to worry about for FO4. It'll happen!

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Krystal Wilson
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:48 am

Thats Heffy I think. Makes AR-15s too. I ended up using Millennia's AKs because that AK store just crashes like crazy for me. Makes me sad since I like his AKs a lot more. :(

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:11 am

Yeah man. I got so used to making my own aid and food in the desert, I'd hate for that to be something "they couldn't find resources for." Having a survivalist faction? Pure genius. I'd make a beeline for them.
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Philip Lyon
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:18 pm

Ran into the same problem. I talked to him and he gave me some sort of work around for it. Come to find out, it was a load order thing for me. I like Millenia's stuff as well. I still use his AK-74u and Taurus 44 mag revolver.
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:13 am

Probably a mod for a blackjack or sleep gas grenades. I really enjoyed sneaking around and knocking people unconscious and then looting them while they're out. In fallout 3 I had a bat suit mod and a tazer gun that could put people to sleep. Was hilarious running around dressed as batman putting people to sleep.
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Jennie Skeletons
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:48 am

working spears...

... joking , sort of.

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Benito Martinez
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:18 pm

Assuming we get the standard, pretty basic, companion system and a cap of just one companion... Yeah, a more robust companion system. I didn't really use companions much in F03, but in NV I loved running about with 2-4 companions (thanks to a mod that I can't name off the top of my head). I'd say that's the biggest system mod I'll be after.

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Anna S
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:26 pm

I would like the think New England should have large forested areas with few targets worth nuking, that would grow and spread seeds for serious timber in 200 years even after massive fire storms, much as NV had nice wooded forest areas.

You should be able to harvest and trade in lumber to fix up or build and 1950s style home, and in the 60s and 50s, there were probably more brick homes built or wood and brick homes than are actually built today given the building costs of today. So if lumber isn't available brick and mortar doesn't take a 1700s technology base. The Romans apparently made more durable concrete and mortar than we do today.

Build a perimeter net work of mortar and stream bed stone bunkers with over lapping fields of fire, so as you attack one bunker you are taking fire from at least two others. You should be able to build less bunker like homes inside. If your settlement grows enough build a large bunker or bullet resistant building perimeter farther out and more conventional buildings between perimeters when the new perimeter is intact.

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Sandeep Khatkar
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:21 pm

For Official DLCs? More story. More world spaces or expanded world space. The story thing might be hard unless they bring the voice actors back in and/or use cut content to fill in the voice dialog.

Just about everything else can be added by user created mods.

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Robert Devlin
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:02 am

I'll have to see what Bethesda comes out with as a zoom range for their third person camera. If inadequate, then I'm sure someone will make a far zoom third person camera. That is a must have for me.
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Fiori Pra
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:29 pm

Weird want for a mod; but anytime I use a critical in fats and the head explodes, I want the JOHN CENAA sound file that's been making the rounds to play
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Bereket Fekadu
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:17 pm

Well after playing some DLC's that are already out i decided to never ever play any of Bethesda DLC's ever again.

As for a mod, as i said before, i want seethru windows mod. And don't try to say it is impossible, it was done in oblivion, and the game with it was many times better then without it. And it was running with same FPS, so i don't get why bethesda keep those lame windowses that probably no other game uses since year 2000.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:54 am

Survivalists could be an outstanding addition to Fallout, especially if like most I know they are depicted as people who would be willing to struggle and sacrifice to survive and rebuild the best possible future they can leave to their heirs, as opposed to greedy, selfish, paranoid Mad Max type raiders and predators.

I would see a group like the Followers being more like survivalists prepared and equipped to survive AND rebuild from before the war, than pacifist Followers born nearly 200 years after the apocalypse, and largely unable to defend themselves.

Survivalists would have all kinds of information on how to survive, improvise fabricate and rebuild to a higher level of survival, wouldn't you in their position? Would you try to organize with like minded family, friends, maybe neighbors you believed you could trust to to their share, would you pool resources and have strength in numbers?

If you were a parent or grandparent how hard would you try to prepare for the survival of your children and/or their children if you could and had the time? How hard would you struggle together to keep going if you did survive? Would you be satisfied to live in squalor if you had the knowledge to do better, with what you had available, and could improvise?

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Colton Idonthavealastna
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:44 pm

In real life the semi-auto AKM-47 has been my bush rifle of choice for decades, I've had my oldest over 30 years.

They are simple, rugged, reliable, built like a agricultural implement, designed to be easily mass produced with pre-1920s era technology, probably late 1800s. Probably with steam powered machine tools.

The RPK and AK-47 too.

Great call.

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Soku Nyorah
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:32 pm

I know it's off-topic, but I love me some Russian guns IRL. I have two. Both were manufactured in the 60's. Totally reliable in all conditions. I can count the FTFs over a decade for both of them on one hand. I maintain the crap out of them, and have only upgraded the furniture to polymer very recently.


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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:30 pm


The whole Mad Max, everybody's a bat $#!+ crazy, jet-hound raider is more of a caricature than anything resembling RL. Would it be present in such a universe as FO? Sure...in spades. But there would be just as many 'normal' people who, no matter their environmental stressors, help others, share resources, have kids, form communities, and do anything in their power to protect and teach those kids. Intuitively I feel that there would be more communes in a FO setting than what we see. Of course that doesn't feed the "gotta headshot everything, and take Bloody Mess ASAP" impulse. So that's probably the reason we see more wandering crazies than anything else.
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