What would you like developers or modders to make available by down load, for you to enhance your game? Think them out, maybe you, or we can inspire someone can do something.
I personally would like the ability to customize Dogmeat to look like dogs I've lived with and loved ever since, (ultimate explore and rebuild a world companion, and we have the technology.)
I'd like to be able to repair, salvage, capture, and upgrade maintenance bots like handy bots to have a caravan of bots able to carry, hide with or defend my loot and gear, credibly carry the tools, gear, and loot. A nearby mobile field base to fall back to for resupply, gear repairs, healing, and swap out weapons.
I would need these bots to salvage and restore other resources like machine tools and fabrication facilities. Facilities to produce resources like mortar to build new stone buildings or bunkers, to produce resources like ammunition, cloth for new clothing from natural fibers like hemp or marijuana or other weed like fibrous plants, animal hairs, etc.
I'd like to be able to train companions to be more capable tinkers or trades people, people that I can do business with later, when they move on or settle down. I’d like to attract groups like the Followers of the Apocalypse, though more hard bitten and less PC, maybe ex BoS or Enclave.
I'd like to be able to restore abandoned vaults to habitable and they attract settlers like farmers, traders, trades people, tinkers, military vets who will build a bunker like buildings of mortar and stone, that can protect occupants from small arms fire, and allow neighboring settlement buildings to cover each other from attackers.
If I were fresh out of a vault with the pre war world fresh in my mind, and possibly all kinds of technical skills, I think my first and most consuming interest would be to rebuild as much as I could as close to what I had as I could before any more of the surviving resources deteriorated beyond salvage. Accepting hanging out in squalor like those who had known nothing different or better would be the last thing on my mind.