I would climb the 7,000 steps of High Hrothgar and shout FUS ROH DAH from the top of my lungs!!
I would climb the 7,000 steps of High Hrothgar and shout FUS ROH DAH from the top of my lungs!!
I'd go the shop to buy ingredients then make the Sweetrolls.
I would do anything, for I am Fimmion. Sweetroll is the way, and the light!
LOL...Guess nobody remembers the old Klondike Bar commercials
I do, that's what I thought of as soon as I read "what would you do..." and now I got that stupid jingle in my head.
But what would I do?
I'd slap Nazeem in the mouth and then kiss his wife. that's what I'd do for a klon... er I mean sweetroll.
I would go to a Bakery...
you guys do realize a sweet roll is an actual thing right? its another name for a Sweet Bun
I would smite thee down with the Wabbajack of Sheogorath so i might have chicken with my sweetroll!
Marry and have kids with cicero, for somewhere around 8,000,000 septims and 999,999,999,999,999 sweetrolls
For the first time ever, seeing "What would you..." in a thead title and having the commercial's jingle play in my head isn't inappropriate. Thank you for this.
Uh...I guess I'd blow a chicken up. I do that for free anyways.
Sweet Rolls are another word for http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6c/Chelsea_Buns.jpg, they are a real thing and not something TES invented (as many seem to think)
I find it odd that no one has pointed out that Skyrim's sweet "roll" is really more of a cake (Sweetcake from Oblivion with frosting).
Like...how does one look at it and say "Yep! Sweet roll."?
lol....I would take an arrow.....in both knees!
Where's the mod that says in the description 'adds a Greggs to Whiterun'?
I just tried to pickpocket a sweetroll off of a bandit. He caught me. So I killed him, took it from him, and ate it anyway.
Grab the Daedric Boots, Venison Stew, Garlic Bread, and pay another visit to Haelga. She adds Honey to the Frosting
I would do... nothing. I prefer blood, being a vampire and all