for console, you can actually get a screen capture card. Rev appears to be attempting something similar with his PC, but its not as straight forward as just plugging in the hardware (i looked into it once). Incidentally, if you figure it out, could you tell me how? =P
Were you adressing me there?
If so: What's that deal about "not as straight forward as just plugging in the hardware"?
From my knowledge, if you want to use a capture-device with a console, you simply put the capture-device between console and TV or use a splitter, if you don't want to lose some millisec through the capturing device. The PC works as saving-station only then.
So my theory was, that if I wanted to use it on my PC, I had my graphics instead of the console, but then it was the same setup. PC-graphics <-> splitter <-> capturing-device & TV. The only thing which is still unanswered for me is, how the saving-process could be optimised. Because I guess it would just take away alot of performance again, if I would use my PC both as gaming and saving station.