I agree with Falcon.PL on the VOIP and the balanced ways of killing. I don't use VOIP on most games I play online cuz it's just not useful. The location of the speaker relative to the listener is very important but it's just not included in the games I know. And making killing different allows different styles of gameplay, not to mention more fun.
But i dunno y u guys dont want destruction in the game? Hmm maybe cuz its not meant to be realistic. I LOVE the destruction in BFBC2 cuz it just adds a whole new level of tactics. Killing some1 by blowing up the wall he's hiding behind is just amazing. But yeh i guess with Brink they're not aiming for realistic anyway so i can c y they wudnt include it. Still wud be amazing imo tho

And is it just me or do the death animations in the videos look kinda weird? They're just...meh...u know? I don't see any fluidity when the character dies; as in the location of the bullet hit doesn't matter that much. I know it does have some effect but i'd love to see better physics.
Btw, this game looks graphically to me like a mash between Borderlands and Gears of War. And SMART reminds me of Mirror's Edge.
But can some1 explain to me gameplay-wise how this game's different to Borderlands, cuz i feel they're going for the same thing except with the addition of SMART.