But i dunno y u guys dont want destruction in the game? Hmm maybe cuz its not meant to be realistic. I LOVE the destruction in BFBC2 cuz it just adds a whole new level of tactics. Killing some1 by blowing up the wall he's hiding behind is just amazing. But yeh i guess with Brink they're not aiming for realistic anyway so i can c y they wudnt include it. Still wud be amazing imo tho

And is it just me or do the death animations in the videos look kinda weird? They're just...meh...u know? I don't see any fluidity when the character dies; as in the location of the bullet hit doesn't matter that much. I know it does have some effect but i'd love to see better physics.
If people want destructible environments, they play BF:BC2, if they want SMART, they'll play this. Every game has its own characteristics. I don't want destructible things in Brink f.e.
The death animations are supposed to be like that, because you get incapacitated. You're not death, you just can't move till you get revived or untill you join the next respawn wave. They removed real physics to add more game depth.