Then I must know, what did you give Honest Hearts and Dead Money?
Dead Money: 9
It had great writing, great quests, great atmosphere, great exploration, great ending, great characters, many choices, great new gear.
Next to everything in it was perfect, only thing that was bad was the super mario platforming at the end.
Honest Hearts: 4
Bleh... Graham was nothing like in Van Buren. (And before you say "But Van Buren Graham was so one dimensional and chaotic evil" let me just say that if they wanted Daniels opposite to be the way he was written to be then why did they have to completely [censored] over Grahams original concept? Why couldn't they have given Grahams role in HH to a new character all together? And had Hanged Man be his Chaotic Evil self in some other release?)
The exploration was boring, repetitive and not rewarding, all it had was plants every where and some random leveled loot at "forbidden places".
It's quest design was awful: Talk to Follows-Chalk>Talk to Graham>Do fetch quests>Talk to Daniel>Do more fetch quests>Ending battle.
It's story was cliché and expected, nothing about it made me care at all, it was short and felt far too fast paced.
The characters felt underdeveloped and again cliché, the only good ones were Follows-Chalk (Which should have been a new companion..) and Happy Trails which are killed off right off the bat.
They failed to flesh out the new tribe's, Sorrows had 2 characters, Dead Horses had 1 and then we had Daniel and Graham which acted like history books for their respective tribe but still failed to flesh them out enough.
We should have been able to join the White Legs, I don't care what Josh says that it "was out of scope", it should very well have been a possibility.
The only way to kill Graham is through the fail safe ending.
The new perks absolutely svcked, we were already too demi-god and now they give us 3 more +damage perks? Why couldn't they have given us better perks, perks that are not bias towards combat?
And the three others they gave svcked apart from Tribal Wisdom which was a great roleplaying perk.
There weren't enough choices, only choose between Daniel or Graham and then choose to let Salt Upon Wounds go or let Graham fight/execute him.
The only saving grace of Honest Hearts was the absolutely beautiful environment, the night sky, the rain, the atmosphere, the new recipes for Survival and Follows-Chalk.
Honest Hearst was just a sightseeing DLC with a bunch of OP tribals running around, some fetch quests and a shoot 'em up final quest.
Nothing to be excited about.
Wouldn't suggest it to anyone unless they have money that they could literally burn.
Funny how many hated DM and love HH and OWB though.
I just care for roleplaying mechanics far more than I do about exploration. Which both HH and OWB has failed to deliver.