What would you rate OWB?

Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:38 am

I would rate it a.....8
Game play: 6/10
The constant enemies are really annoying, once 2 night stalkers spawned right in front of me as I was wandering around...
Realllllly small map not even a quarter the size of the Mojave
They were annoying but fun, there could of been more types but oh well
They were okay...A bit strange of a story line but meh
Weapons and armor:6/10
No powerful weapons or armor, the stealth suit has like 4 hp and only 14 DT... it may save you the trouble of using stims but youll be using them farrrr more often and it will degenerate very quickly...I suppose if you have rauls upgraded perk that could help...(which I do)
Perks and traits:8/10
I really like the turbo perk as turbo is pretty hard to come by and easily addictive, I never used it, but I get 10 a day and no addiction? JACKPOT!
Characters: 10/10
You have a mini securitron with OCD about mugs, an Evil toaster, A laid back jukebox, a friendly doctor, 2 bickering light switches, a sink in the sink with OCD about dirt and some soilent green maker (made with plants not humans) and a bunch of mad evil scientists
Overall 8/10
Its really fun, a bit to many enemies as near the end there were 7 robo radscorpions? All in front of me.
Definitely worth buying.
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:49 am

The constant enemies are really annoying, once 2 night stalkers spawned right in front of me as I was wandering around...
a bit to many enemies as near the end there were 7 robo radscorpions?

Oh please, stop crying. My God.. I wish the vanilla game was that exiting and intense instead of the coma inducing open world it is today. zzzzzzzz
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:08 am

I think the story, atmoshphere, and design could have used a David Lynch touch, that could have saved it in my eyes.

....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQiPQgMTkEI.......comes to mind.
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:42 pm

Oh please, stop crying. My God.. I wish the vanilla game was that exiting and intense instead of the coma inducing open world it is today. zzzzzzzz

Its annoying, not tough
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:31 am

Would rate it 8 out of 10 as well...

It's a good place to scavenge for stuff... Weapons are good, and there are plenty of funny enemies (Harness, lobotomites and such).

The map is fine, it's quite big for a research facility... Alot of buildings and such to explore..

Characters are good too, a bit sad you don't get a new companion in OWB, but it's not something you really think about that much...

Weapons and armors are good too, but I wish they were more powerful, as I had to use my Holorifle to deal some good amount of damage to enemies like Roboscorpions and such... Though it would have been great with a new set of Power Armor..

Overall, it's good, I also liked how they added some new music to the game (More calm music)...

Good job Bethesda / Obsidian.
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:21 pm

I'm gonna re-rewiew it:
Concept 8/10: Brings the humor to Fallout. While having hordes of technological enemies and weapons, you even become part robot.
Sound/Voice Acting 8.5/10: Has many different and unique voices I have never heard in Fallout before. Some new music on the Radio too. Plus, you'll be hearing the regular gunshots when a Lobotomite is behind you. But the Lobotomite will hear a laser to its face.
Entertainment 8/10: Funny humor is present, while still having the boom, splat, bang, and fwoooooooooosh. (that's the sound of FLUSHING). Its fun killing enemies at first, but after a while, shooting the same enemies in the same looking buildings gets boring.
What's New and How Good the New Stuff Is 5.5/10: Some new weapons and armors.....was expecting more. Perks just svcked. But The Sink was amazing, all of those appliances and a central intel unit, that buys and sells stuff! Oh, and not ONE new Power Armor.
Overall: 7.5/10 (I used a spreadsheet!)
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:52 am

I haven't finished it but so far 3/10.
It had it's fun moments but overall it's been boring and tedious. (I've sighed more than I've smirked, let alone chuckled, let alone laughed.)
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Robert Jackson
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:13 pm

Nothin bad to say what so ever , i mean at first I was kinda ticked about the robo scorpions being tough , but then I realized , hell its a challenge, But spectacular storyline, spectacular characters , quests, weapons, and armor so EPIC WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Taylrea Teodor
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:58 pm

I haven't finished it but so far 3/10.
It had it's fun moments but overall it's been boring and tedious. (I've sighed more than I've smirked, let alone chuckled, let alone laughed.)

Then I must know, what did you give Honest Hearts and Dead Money?
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:14 pm

The only problem with it is the sheer amount of enemies. One time I was walking through a path and killing any lobotomites in the way. I stopped for like 10 seconds and turned around. There were 2 more walking towards me. Something's wrong with spawn timers I'm telling you. I'm running out of ammunition here.
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Julie Serebrekoff
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:52 pm

yeah the enemies can get pretty intense, and the nightstalkers REALLY piss me off....they come out of nowhere really fast, hard to hit with a gun and do a ridiculous amount of damage :sadvaultboy: i dont remember them being that tough in the mojave....i also forgot to bring a riot shotgun :swear:
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Hannah Whitlock
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:37 am

I would probably rate it an 8. that is if the frame rate would go higher than 2 fps. Its official obsidian does not give a flying [censored] about the PS3.
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Juan Suarez
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:09 pm

im playing on a pc and im giving owb a 10.....this dlc is why i play fallout.....just the type of game i like and much more than i expected from a dlc
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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:42 pm

I don't understand how people don't love this DLC. It's probably the best Fallout DLC to date! The atmosphere is great, the humor is definitely more "laugh out loud" funny than it usually is. There are just tons of side quests, tons of story, tons of locations, there's so much going on. I've been at it for 4 hours and I don't feel like I've even truly scratched its surface. The set pieces are also really grand, which is something I missed from New Vegas. Fallout 3 had so many really visually interesting places (Megaton, Rivet City, Evergreen Mills, Adams AFB), it's nice to see a few really great locations in Old World Blues (Higg's Village is a great example). I love this DLC, it's everything I expected and wanted from OWB. :celebration:
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:49 pm

I give it a nine for excellent story, muggy being the coolest securitron ever, amazing weapons and upgrades, interesting perks, likeable characters, gameplay, humor, writing and challenge (if you went naked like I did)
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Clea Jamerson
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:09 pm

I think the DLC is very good, a decent sized map, the humor, writing, characters, and the Lonesome Road tease. However as much as I know wacky scifi is a part of the Fallout series, it was just too much. The massive roboscorpion, for example. The main game IMO had pretty perfect balance of wacky scifi and realism for me, with Repconn being the main object of silliness (though it wasn't actually that ridiculous, just more so than the rest of the game). It didn't fit my tastes is the main issue. Although Honest Hearts isn't necessarily what I call the best DLC, the subject matter was of great interest to me, I just vastly prefer subjects that are realistic or display different kinds of development after the catastrophe. Also, the enemies every 5 feet reminded me of Fallout 3. Really annoying. Travelling for more than a couple minutes without enemies bombarding you would be welcome.
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:38 pm

I'm not really very far into it yet so I won't give it a rating....but so far I'm underwhelmed....not sure why exactly, maybe too much hype.....gonna keep going and see....
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Robert Jackson
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:55 am

Then I must know, what did you give Honest Hearts and Dead Money?

Dead Money: 9
It had great writing, great quests, great atmosphere, great exploration, great ending, great characters, many choices, great new gear.
Next to everything in it was perfect, only thing that was bad was the super mario platforming at the end.

Honest Hearts: 4
Bleh... Graham was nothing like in Van Buren. (And before you say "But Van Buren Graham was so one dimensional and chaotic evil" let me just say that if they wanted Daniels opposite to be the way he was written to be then why did they have to completely [censored] over Grahams original concept? Why couldn't they have given Grahams role in HH to a new character all together? And had Hanged Man be his Chaotic Evil self in some other release?)

The exploration was boring, repetitive and not rewarding, all it had was plants every where and some random leveled loot at "forbidden places".

It's quest design was awful: Talk to Follows-Chalk>Talk to Graham>Do fetch quests>Talk to Daniel>Do more fetch quests>Ending battle.

It's story was cliché and expected, nothing about it made me care at all, it was short and felt far too fast paced.

The characters felt underdeveloped and again cliché, the only good ones were Follows-Chalk (Which should have been a new companion..) and Happy Trails which are killed off right off the bat.

They failed to flesh out the new tribe's, Sorrows had 2 characters, Dead Horses had 1 and then we had Daniel and Graham which acted like history books for their respective tribe but still failed to flesh them out enough.

We should have been able to join the White Legs, I don't care what Josh says that it "was out of scope", it should very well have been a possibility.

The only way to kill Graham is through the fail safe ending.

The new perks absolutely svcked, we were already too demi-god and now they give us 3 more +damage perks? Why couldn't they have given us better perks, perks that are not bias towards combat?
And the three others they gave svcked apart from Tribal Wisdom which was a great roleplaying perk.

There weren't enough choices, only choose between Daniel or Graham and then choose to let Salt Upon Wounds go or let Graham fight/execute him.

The only saving grace of Honest Hearts was the absolutely beautiful environment, the night sky, the rain, the atmosphere, the new recipes for Survival and Follows-Chalk.

Honest Hearst was just a sightseeing DLC with a bunch of OP tribals running around, some fetch quests and a shoot 'em up final quest.
Nothing to be excited about.
Wouldn't suggest it to anyone unless they have money that they could literally burn.

Funny how many hated DM and love HH and OWB though.
I just care for roleplaying mechanics far more than I do about exploration. Which both HH and OWB has failed to deliver.
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