What Would You Do Basicly What would you do if you got teleported into the Mojave Wasteland and What Armour And Weapons Would You Take I Personaly Would Go And Help Out Goodsprings By Defeating The Powder Gangers And Help Novac With There Problems. Weapon, Hunting Rifle Scoped Armour, Recon Armour No Helmet Ps. Im new to the fourms so i fought i would make a topic
I also had to fight the forum monster before I could make a topic.
I would pretty much try to have the most protective armor and most damaging weapons I could find while still being practical, like combat armor, assault rifles and shotguns. The more powerful the better. Then I would most likely help people, but in real life I probably would become corrupted and become more of a moral mercenary.
I would aline with the BOS and try to get them to accept new members to grow larger and overthrough the NCR, Leigion, and Mr. House. I would take the BOS power armour. For the wepons it would be the BAR ( dont remember what it's called in game) and a anti matirial rifle.
No Need To Write Like This. Capitalizing names, titles, and beginnings of sentences is all you need.
I would probably die of a heart attack in pure shock, but if I survived then I would sneak my way, as slowly as possible, to the Strip.
I wouldn't have enough money so I would do work around Freeside and, on the off chance that I don't get killed by a Freeside Thug, I would probably end up living out my days working there.
I would aline with the BOS and try to get them to accept new members to grow larger and overthrough the NCR, Leigion, and Mr. House. I would take the BOS power armour. For the wepons it would be the BAR ( dont remember what it's called in game) and a anti matirial rifle.
I would also sneak away to freeside and try to make a like there. Preferably working for the Atomic Rangler. Maybe I would join the Followers of the Apocalypse. I would go to the strip whenever I get enough money saved up, it would become my vacation place. I would be wearing a Kings outfit and wielding Benny's Maria.