So probably one of the greatest mods from Oblivion, even though it was simple, was the ability to drop torches on the ground, so if you were a melee character without night-eye or light spells at your disposle, you could still go through dungeons without sacrificing the ability to use a shield or 2h weapon.
I haven't done much reading up on skyrim, so I might have missed something addressing this, but what would you think of the ability to either place torches, or create like a sort of fire in certain areas, instead of running around with a torch in your hand
I want placeable torches back!!
Yeah, yet another thing taken out of Morrowind to simplify Oblivion.
Would be nice to have back.
Why did they even get rid of that option to begin with? Torches and candles were perfectly fine the way they were in Morrowind.
lol "morrowhine" I love it :rofl:
On topic: Yeah I think it would be a nice thing, i'd like to place a few torch around my camp at night and with dynamic shadows i'm sure we'll get to see some very neat effects
This will really be cool with dynamic shadows.
Well if were using a trap approach .....may have intresting results
Lol, Indiana Jones! This would actually be really cool if I could throw the torch.
Yeah, I remember using them as markers when I got lost in dungeons.
I hope they bring this back
Good idea.
I hope they bring back the blue lanterns and candles from Morrowind.
Oh yes. And travel lanterns. And let you place them where you want without having to use telekinesis. I want to decorate my house again with candles.
Those candles were great. I remember loading up my strongholds with candles.
Yes to placeable torches!
And placeable candles and lanterns!
In Morrowind, I collected hundres of these, then put around all my stronghold so it looked like a shining sanctuary

It was great and fun!
That's a lot of candles! I'm sure it would look AMAZING in Skyrim with the dynamic shadows.