» Sat May 28, 2011 11:55 pm
If I was born in Tamriel, clearly I wouldn't have much choice as to what race I would be. Assuming my attributes are high enough to make it as a freelance adventurer, I would pursue a life in hunting down lost Dwemer and Aylied artifacts (Among other ancient civilizations.) Adventurers are in high demand, and make things easier for people who have a more set lifestyle, so of course I would try to do my part to make their lives easier as long as it goes with my personal moral code. Needless to say, I would have to be careful not to bite off a job thats more than I could chew, and stick to what I am good at. Lets just hope that I happen to be reborn there with the same skill set as I have in this world. (Thus making me sort of a fighter thief, blending stealth and acrobatics with martial prowess)
Once I have secured a large sum of money from my adventures, and am sitting on a small fortune, I will probably move to the city of Camlorn in Highrock, marry a pretty Breton lass with a pure heart, but a strong will, and settle down. If she is adventurous as well, and strong enough to be able to watch her own back, then we may continue our adventures together. We will start our family either in Highrock or the Summerst Isles in a quiet cottage next to the gentle ocean. Assuming its in Summerset Islands, I will probably continue my adventures from time to time along the topal bay, or southern Valenwood. If its in Highrock, then I will probably expand my adventures south to Hammerfell, or east to Skyrim.
That being said, I doubt the average lifespan of a feelance adventurer in Tamriel is very long. So I gotta make plans if I get crippled or cursed and forced into early retirement.