I lose frags all the time because servers crash, why can't statistics be collected all the time ? like there's so much traffic to be covered between master server and game servers ?
After I finished the single my rank in MP jumped from 8 to 14 in one Deathmatch win. I still don't know did I get a Reward giving me that much xp and than lost it due to a bug, because my account dropped down to 11 lvl or not.
I mean, damn - do you guys need net code programmers or help or what ?
This thing is buggy as hell.
As a matter of fact, can't you just make a mutator like in Unreal to ban certain weapons from MP so little kids don't abuse server rules whenever they want ?
I'm tired of losing progress in your game
I have NEVER seen anything that buggy in my entire life
and I sure as hell did not expect it from this game
Can't I just contact some tech support guy to restore my progress or something ?
fvck it, I'm tired of this
Fix your fvcking game